Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is in the field of general international trade law — a field in which three international organizations , Unidroit , UNCITRAL , and the ICC are particularly active — that the overlap is most prominent ; and problems may also arise where work in such field is considered by specialist organization to impact on their area of expertise .
2 In other places farms on the edges of high moorland are being abandoned , or the land is being used for water reservoirs , or for recreation , where tourists can picnic or camp with their caravans and tents .
3 Do you want or Marmite on Mel ?
4 ‘ Rule 3 : Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods in a deliverable state , but the seller is bound to weigh , measure , test or do some other act or thing with reference to the goods for the purpose of ascertaining the price , the property does not pass until the act or thing is done and the buyer has notice that it has been done . ’
5 We do know that responses by women members of the Legitimation League were cautious and ambiguous , highlighting the tensions felt by feminists in committing themselves to a libertarian politics .
6 I did n't know that kind of thing existed , but I have since learnt that there is quite a demand for them .
7 He will know that decisions on individual colliery closures are matters for the British Coal Corporation .
8 Did n't he know that flight of ideas was one of the cardinal signs of schizophrenia ? ’
9 She said : ‘ There are already support groups in Barnard Castle and Shildon and I feel people should know that people of Richmondshire are able to benefit from the Darlington hospice . ’
10 Did you know that passengers on Lytham gas trams had to push them over the railway bridge in Lytham Road ?
11 By the time we arrived at the sea , those of us who did not know that stretch of coastline were completely removed from any sense of place or direction .
12 ‘ Well , suit yourself , but one good look and you 'd know that men like that generally do not spend their summers at places like this . ’
13 ‘ You will know that James of Lusignan is passing Christmas at Nicosia with four ambassadors from this city .
14 I do not doubt that people in an earlier age may well have thought in terms of the kind of cosmic world picture in terms of which she herself thinks .
15 We must recognise that villages in the past were nucleations of farms and cottages , generally in a discrete unit of land , with a separate field system , managed communally so that all farmers and landholders were interdependent on each other .
16 Secondly , because programming chiefs should recognise that topics of crucial importance for education , industry and national life bear examination in more crowded regions of space time than Sunday midnight in the south .
17 However it does recognise that sections of the community other than those with political authority may bear and use arms , and should accept and receive international guarantees of humane treatment .
18 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
19 The court may direct that particulars of the alleged debt be advertised , and if no claim on the security is made within twelve months , the court can , on application , order the release of the security ( r 6.211(4) ) .
20 When the idea was broached I had told Ira Dilworth that I would sooner resign than transfer to Toronto and he agreed entirely .
21 Since this explanation does not actually require subjects to feel risk it would predict that subjects in this task would describe risks at the expense of other information , thus if many risky aspects of the film were described few non-risky ones would be .
22 From all the discussion so far , one would predict that BSL as a language should be no more difficult to learn than a foreign language , except , that is , for the fact that BSL is not a high status language and its users are often treated as failures .
23 Withdrawals ( W ) will thus fall and consumption of domestic goods ( C d ) will rise .
24 From my point of view , I did n't have any up and downers with Gary . ’
25 The Government is believed to be reluctant to push rates any higher , but City analysts predicted it would act if pressure on sterling became too great to hold with intervention alone .
26 I think when I was n't there they used to come in and feed them and the girls all used to come round and bill and coo over them .
27 What those industries fear more than anything else is interference by the Government and the European Commission , interference in the choice of products that they can make , interference in the work patterns that they can enjoy and interference in their wage rates .
28 It was not only physical wounds that left scars ; damage to the mind could throb and fester in secret over many years , and some flash of memory could trigger unexpected , possibly violent reactions .
29 Also , because the tPA regimen ( front-loaded ) used in GUSTO differed from that used in GISSI-2 and ISIS-3 we do not know whether differences in efficacy are due to the more aggressive heparin regimen or to the more aggressive thrombolysis .
30 ATORY MP yesterday made the first admission that the Government does not know whether children from poorer backgrounds will be put off higher education by the introduction of top-up loans , writes Celia Weston .
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