Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] that the " in BNC.

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1 The economy will be at the full employment level of output , but excess demand ( equal to the inflationary gap ) will still exist so that the general price level will be forced upwards .
2 They can recognise also that the joints of a tie must withstand tearing , whereas those of a strut must resist buckling .
3 Those who believe , or rather , know that the dialectic in its predetermined movement requires the appropriation , by wage-earners and as the outcome of their victory in the class war , of the means of production , and know that it is historically right to be on the side of that movement , will know also that the first is superior .
4 And again she asked herself , How will I survive now that the sun has been taken out of my life ?
5 ‘ We felt it was important to let them know beforehand that the public would welcome another airline , ’ as Branson put it .
6 He will know then that the Author is in fact himself , and always was .
7 Of course , I did n't know then that the undertaker was missing . ’
8 In any event , knowledge within the firm of the identity of the intermediary 's client may not identify him if the salesman or perhaps the dealer concerned did not know either that the intermediary was acting as intermediary or the identity of the client ; this is a Chinese wall-type question .
9 That knowledge , extended through manufacturing and service industry would ensure generally that the wages suit was cut according to the profitability cloth ; and would remove from the operation of the national economy the inflationary propensity of the trade unions ' monopoly of the supply of labour and , with it , a main cause of the United Kingdom 's industrial debility .
10 We must assume also that the number of the 1946 cohort alive on 1 January 1987 is 296 000 so that the total number of the cohort who achieved their 40th birthday was 296 000 + 580 .
11 Will he confirm also that the regulations are entirely independent of the industry ?
12 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
13 Now it wo n't cure all the problems I 'm pretending that it will , but if we were to have proper seats , proper microphones , electronic voting I believe that it would show symbolically that the House of Commons was prepared to modernize itself and start doing a proper job in our democracy rather than the farce and the theatre which frankly turns so many people off in modern Britain .
14 What do we already do well that the National Curriculum planners have neglected — remembering that if we think we do something well we need to be able to look closely , give reasons , describe in detail .
15 I 'll reiterate here that the complexity — or at least the perceived complexity — of the Alpha 's operation could limit its market as far as first time buyers go .
16 The true dyed-in-the-wool , deep down Conservatives may feel uncomfortably that the sacred word has come into the hands of unsuitable people ; including the Americans .
17 Why did she feel then that the whole edifice was about to crumble and fall down , leaving her exposed and defenceless ?
18 For while they indicate how complicated and taxing it would be to build inside the scaffolding erected by Althusser , they do not show either that the building would stand or that it is doomed to collapse .
19 When , however , they borrow them from other disciplines , they must expect either that the chronological fit is bad ( if they insist on matching the style ) or that the stylistic fit is bad ( if they match the chronology ) .
20 Will he ensure specifically that the Home Secretary gives an assurance that no pressure or persuasion is being applied to the Metropolitan police in the case of Mr. Mohinder Paul Singh Bedi of Hayes to halt their inquiries or withdraw requests to investigate the bank accounts of Members of Parliament who have business or other links with Mr. Bedi ?
21 It would appear therefore that the first traveller to offer substantial plant records was Martin Martin ( 1698 & 1703 ) .
22 It would appear therefore that the element of profit is not a prerequisite for the finding of a business activity under this legislation .
23 Who turned the scene round , made it work so that the rest of the operetta is not totally ridiculous ?
24 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
25 We shall see later that the power of the occupiers to exclude or restrict their liability towards visitors has to a considerable extent been eroded by s. 2 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
26 They could see now that the front was concave .
27 There is no way , for example , that one could work out that the lens came originally from an overlying sheet of cells without following its development .
28 You may work out that the two holes have to be of a suitable size for an individual ( ? ) to put two fingers in , possibly near enough to each other to put two fingers of the same hand in , and , having established this scale , it seems likely that the object referred to as the finger stop is only centimetres removed , rather than kilometres removed .
29 As we draw near to the table in the course of the nest few minutes to meet with our Lord , in the bread and in the wine , let's just remember today that the power , that the energy , that the spiritual renewal comes to us because God is with us and God is with us now , because of the activity of God the Holy Spirit .
30 The body 's mechanism takes over because the logical consequence of that would be to die , and we can see here that there is an arousal of something like eight to ten seconds , and during that period the patient would wake up , probably not sufficient that they would know about it in the morning , and we can see here that the breathing starts again .
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