Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] work " in BNC.

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1 Learning in the primary school is seamless and activities in history will merge naturally into work in art , technology , drama , and so on .
2 From now on she would concentrate solely on work .
3 Many of the latter were young , in their twenties , and included ‘ yuppies ’ in City and financial institutions who might not smoke a lot but took the attitude that they would smoke more at work if people pressured them over their habit .
4 It 's a place you 'd be happy to leave , unless you 're a Garrimpero who must head back to work .
5 If we 're able to use it the cold may win us a few days in which to withdraw to bed and grieve gently for ourselves ; if not at least we can weep openly at work , blowing our nose and wiping our eyes , and get a little consideration and sympathy from others for our sad lot .
6 However , they are usually symptomatic of something else ; people do n't set off for work with the intention of causing a communication breakdown .
7 Mass unemployment during the 1920s and 1930s modified opinion somewhat , although the economist F. Y. Edgeworth opposed the idea of family allowances in 1922 on the grounds that they would encourage male idleness and quoted approvingly the comment of a social worker in 1908 , who said ‘ if the husband got out of work the only thing that the wife should do is sit down and cry , because if she did anything else he would remain out of work ’ .
8 Asserting that the true level of unemployment measured in the same way as it was in 1979 was four million out of work , he said : ‘ There are now only four and a half million people working in manufacturing industry in Britain , bringing us close to a new economic first — fewer people in work making things than we we will have out of work making nothing . ’
9 Very often questions and tasks can lead on from work on the document to more open-ended enquiry or discussion , and to further research and investigation .
10 down to , let's go down to work and update the the weather Chris .
11 I 'd go off to work , and she 'd look at the script and say : ‘ Who are you working with today , what are you doing ? ’
12 There will be those who seek schools serving particular religious denominations and those who seek a school near granny so that mum can go back to work .
13 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ she explained , ‘ but they just took it for granted that she would go back to work and I would look after the baby , without even asking me . ’
14 ‘ I 'd rather go back to work , ’ said Sarah .
15 And then he would go back to work .
16 In the miners ' dispute Lord Wilberforce became deeply enmeshed in job evaluation , the social and physical conditions in the pits and , above all , the need to produce a settlement under which the miners would go back to work .
17 Women of the Nineties have been brainwashed into thinking that they should go back to work .
18 Another would sometimes go back to work er if their son or dau well mainly the sons went to university and they needed the extra money for that .
19 The doctor had said she could go back to work .
20 She could go back to work , she supposed , only if she did that everyone would want to know why .
21 The actual donation takes about 10 minutes and then after 20 minutes rest and light refreshment you can go back to work .
22 You know , the decision whether we were gon na go back to work because of these threatening letters was taken by the forty well fifty members of the lodge , so in effect I was sacked by people who had since returned to work , but you know that 's how it should be .
23 Was there any sort of how can I put it , any sort of feeling that certain individuals in the lodge would go back to work ?
24 Creating these insurance to die is the number one need for financial independence , because we as doctors are going to spread the news with our modern lifestyles , because unlike the pneumonia patient you 're not going to recover and go back to work , unlike the , the heart transplant , as the heart transplant , or the heart attack or the cancer patient , maybe at our expense .
25 She did , I 'd never forget it as long as I live , I thought to myself well you stupid cow , all she could think of was a fifty pence key , so I , I said to them , I said to the girls I 'm glad to be out but of course when they all went cos there was Lynda and all the girls from customer service that were kicked out and all of us that were there and they all said oh we 've got ta go back to work and we said oh ai n't that a shame you know , and we all went
26 Ooh , I 'd better go back to work had n't I ?
27 Some areas have day care available at weekends , or for long days so that a carer can go out to work .
28 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
29 They rise early by the alarm clock , so the husband can go out to work — cultivating vegetables , rearing rabbits and poultry in the garden , and mending things in his shed .
30 The reason for this seems to be that the opportunity cost of keeping boys at school when they could go out to work is greater than for girls , especially for poor rural families .
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