Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Anyone can stay on if they want ca n't they ?
2 I know in the recession of lot of parents have been forced to do just that , but it was always going to be a last resort and thankfully this winter 's tour means they can stay on where they are .
3 They would let them stay on until they married and got farms of their own , because , perhaps , their own home circumstances would not be very good .
4 Hence people who enter the premises as lawful visitors may not remain so if they step outside of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
5 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
6 I should n't think so because they 're rather strong dear
7 ‘ Do some animals have higher fitness because they eat better , or do they eat better because they are more fit ? ’ asks Altman .
8 Insofar as they intruded on the very different trade in superior goods which Britain and Germany and USA could make better than they could and for which these and other countries had established legitimate mark[et]s and insofar as this intrusion was achieved by methods of subsidy and selling at less than cost it was an illegitimate trade and very disruptive in world trading circles .
9 Now you 're obviously I mean most people are but you can obviously understand better think better if they 're more practical
10 The manufacturers recognised that the camcorders would not catch on unless they adopted a common format allowing video enthusiasts to record and play back tapes on different models of machine , The standard the companies agreed is flexible in that it leaves room for technical developments before the camcorders go on sale , but is tight enough to ensure that all camcorders will eventually be compatible .
11 Perhaps the fallen girls might behave better if they were not constantly reminded how different they were .
12 Why books should know better than them was puzzling to Bradstonians , but they were anxious to please their visitors so did their best to comply .
13 He suggested again that they should retreat inside before they got wetter .
14 Do they not let the stable lads know so that they do n't have an advantage over picking a winner ?
15 They would not expect the taking of Perth and Scone to be easy , and night would fall long before they could send back to clear out Abernethy and Forteviot , or before they could press on the further twelve miles to Dunkeld .
16 It seems indeed that in Darwinian terms egoism can not be primary , in spite of the fact that genetic traits will survive only if they favour their carriers .
17 There might be a thousand methods for closing the deal , but in the end the customers will buy only if they want to buy .
18 Individuals may survive better when they join forces with others ( 1985 : 3 ) .
19 But I ca n't tell you what it felt like , first of all having cancer , secondly trying to talk about it , and being continually asked , ‘ Well , how are you Jo ? ’ and you 'd see their eyes glaze over and they 'd think , ‘ Christ , I hope she 's not going to tell me ! ’
20 That way , they would know exactly where they were , and this time , if they turned right , then right again , they would be on course for the station .
21 Belinda did n't know exactly where they were going , and in her five hard-working years in Brisbane had never been through these opulent suburbs before , but in a way it was nicer to surrender herself to a mystery drive .
22 After all the hassle they should know exactly where they stood with each other , Merrill thought as she dressed on Saturday evening .
23 You may not know exactly where they are , but I still think you know more than you 're telling . ’
24 Surely corporations will not deviate easily when they realize just how high civil damages can be ?
25 For example , with wet wings the Falke motor gliders , the Bergfalke and the Spatz all become viscous at the stall and will flick over if they are stalled during turns .
26 If you return from holiday with a large quantity of olives , they will survive longer if they are kept in a dark place , so that the light can not cause any fermentation in the brine .
27 ‘ Can you describe exactly where they 're kept in relation to here , Lieutenant ? ’
28 They would know more when they had the report from Ballistics .
29 While none of the calculations is necessarily wholly new , financial managers should consider clearly whether they and their financial information systems can adequately provide analysis of economies of scale , experience cost reductions , switching costs , competitive operating costs among members of the industry or market , and so on , all of which help to determine the power of different market participants and the resulting market profitability .
30 The study , produced for the Standing Conference on Drug Abuse and Alcohol Concern , indicates SSDs must catch up if they are to assess misusers and stump up the cash for community care .
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