Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
2 ‘ Then I like the carpenter best — if he did n't eat so many as the walrus . ’
3 Many do not remain sufficiently long as temporary workers or with any one agency to be entitled to any rights even if they were to have dependent employee status .
4 Er one last thing er , do we need so many as eight non-executive directors which also to be paid ?
5 And you yourself made it clear to me that you would not stomach so much as one more day , if we could but be induced to open a way of escape for you .
6 DARLINGTON 'S Skerne Park estate has gained a reputation which many residents would describe as unfair as one of the less desirable parts of the town .
7 Rives had everything , including immense strength , whereas Jones is hugely athletic and can jump as high as a guy six inches taller than himself .
8 they can jump as high as roast pig !
9 ‘ I want to challenge and excite as much as I can but I 'm not going to create a work for the Scottish Ballet that is going to drive their audience away . ’
10 My experiences with the erratic supply of tubes over the last two years were shared for the benefit of those Guitarist readers who might not know as much as Hartley Peavey .
11 And erm he he worked shifts , er the morning shift or the day shift as it was called , which was from erm , I do n't know as far as I could tell it was from six till two or something like that .
12 The first rule of any intelligence network , of course , is that each agent should know as little as possible .
13 Also it 's kind of er even if you er sort of different people do n't , I mean a lot of people do n't discuss as much as we do .
14 I find it very difficult when you have a journalist round , and you will perhaps cooperate as much as you can with an interview , and then sometimes they 'll go and dip their pen in acid and write really horrid things .
15 The autumn statement should include as much as practicable of the material from Chapter 1 of the PEWP .
16 But pollsters believe his efforts are all in vain , and claim that Clinton is performing just as well in the smaller states and could win as many as 302 of the 538 electoral college votes .
17 On present estimates , the right could win as many as 80-90 seats straight off in the first round and the Socialists none .
18 She had seen him surrounded by people shouting and screaming , ‘ Go on , my son ’ , not one of them down to lose or win as much as Jack , and he 'd just stand there like a beautiful , pale statue .
19 They said in 1976 that a tuned track could shave as much as 7 seconds off the record for the mile .
20 ‘ It will suit as much as them to have the fight later because it will give John that little bit more time to prepare after having his jaw broken in his last fight . ’
21 ‘ Overnight temperatures could plummet as low as -10C ( 14°F ) , ’ said TODAY weatherman Philip Eden .
22 L will shift to the right in diagram ( a ) , and thus r will not fall as much as illustrated .
23 Winter lasts for nine months of the year , when temperatures can fall as low as - 50 ° C , and conditions are made worse by the deadly wind-chill created by high winds .
24 On this basis the cataloguing of this periodical collection could need as many as 25 000 records before it is completed !
25 There was a period when only McQueen and Dustin were getting their per diem allowance , something they did not need as much as the rest of the cast and crew .
26 You may not need as much as that , but erm Bacteria , nitrates in the soil and the plants taking up the nitrates some of the plants .
27 On the social issue , Hughes notes the recent concern that girls may not benefit so much as boys from using computers .
28 The iron grip Guy had used to subdue her had relaxed into a hold that now cradled rather than constrained , and yet she could n't lift so much as a finger to defend herself , could barely summon the will to press her face harder against the bed in a futile attempt to escape that warm , spine-tingling touch .
29 Someone who is more severely depressed may feel physically ill as well as gloomy .
30 How marvellous , though , that she should grow more audacious as time goes on — the vastly public proposal and denunciations .
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