Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] [noun sg] she " in BNC.

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1 Seeing my disappointed expression , she said that if I did n't want the watch she would keep it herself and give my mother money instead to buy something I would really like .
2 She was utterly shocked when he put her firmly from him and she saw him button the shirt she had succeeded in undoing .
3 Do you really think the boy she loved all those years ago was really Felipe Freitas ? ’
4 I took my child out of the school system because I did n't think the physio she had was right for her needs .
5 In three short months she did n't need the medication she had been dependent on for years .
6 1 Which answer matches which question ? 2 How would you describe the character she has created ? 3 Where would you most likely meet such a character ? 4 How do you think she would answer these questions : a ) Are you happy with your life ? b ) Do you have any ambitions ? c ) When did you first start living rough ? 5 What other questions would you like to ask the character ? 6 Now put this character in the hot seat and see what she says when you ask her your questions .
7 You 've all of you , there 's no denying it , you 've all too often taken advantage of Eleanor , and so it 's only right and proper now you should respect the fact she has a life of her own . ’
8 ‘ Why did n't she buy a necklace she knew was paste , for the ball ? ’
9 with , with my granddaughter , she , she did the same s she used to go and babysit at this girl 's house and she fe felt , she was only fourteen , and she felt sorry for her and she 'd go and babysit every night she 'd go and babysit and er but she used to b sit up in the bedroom , she never ever went down the sitting room thinking that the child 's mother was either down in the sitting room or just going out for a short while and coming back and then eventually they put erm a bed up in the child 's bedroom for Denise to stay there over nights and Pearl did n't worry at all , well she knew , knew where , at least she knew where and er this girl was bringing men back down in the sitting room every night , three or four , sometimes ten men in a night during the night !
10 first , my mother 's allergy meant she would sneeze every time she came near the owl , and , secondly , my little sister was so fascinated by Dawn that I could n't keep her away .
11 She faltered , wondering if she could speak the devastation she had felt when Rosa and Dolores had shown her that tiny baby .
12 But before she could finish the sentence she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Rune looming over her , glass in hand .
13 Dane 's arms tightened about her , as though he could feel the pain she was suffering , and she took a deep , unsteady breath .
14 The teacher with a prepared lesson and a captive audience which may not interrupt has a much greater opportunity to actively edit the signing she is producing .
15 But she did not resent the life she had led .
16 She could not believe the way she had behaved with Felipe , and she did n't blame him at all .
17 Hundreds of millions more watched it on television and can remember the dress she wore , the horse-drawn carriage she arrived in , the kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace , the cheering , the music , the colour and the happiness .
18 At that point Jennifer had just had to give up her own job as she had found it impossible to continue nursing and Rachel could clearly remember the night she 'd found her sister severely depressed about her future .
19 Do you remember the time she reduced that poor student to tears in the staffroom ? ’
20 she says Eilleen do you remember the time she said I went with Richard ?
21 If I remember rightly , you pointed out forcibly that no man would look the side she was on ever again because cheap women had no hope of anything in the future but of being used .
22 Oh , nothing , but she , you could see the way she had , her whole hand up from here in , you could see she had bite marks
23 Young as he was , he could see the conflict she evidenced as an ‘ off-the-boat Russian ’ with the rest of Leonard 's ‘ classy ’ family .
24 Forever on the move , meeting new faces , constantly in demand socially whenever she was off duty , Liza Tremayne found that there were longer and longer periods between the days when she still suffered black despair over the thought that she would never again see the man she so resembled in character and who had given her , had she known it , more love than he had ever bestowed upon any other woman .
25 He did not see the trap she had set for him .
26 And even when they reached home and she and John were at last alone together , she could not forgo the homecoming she had dreamed of for so many weeks .
27 She was shocked herself , but that shock was muted by the greater shock of realising that even now she was not certain that she would keep the appointment she had made for the morning .
28 As to who would provide the care she said that where there is care over a long period of time , families often stop employing carers through an agency .
29 She would confess her deception to the castle priest later , Isabel promised her conscience , and then wondered if , in fact , the chapel might provide the privacy she craved .
30 He did n't really like the way she called him Nigel — it was as if he was a stranger .
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