Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A person whose reputation is criticised in the press is privileged to make honest , if defamatory , replies to those criticisms , and this privilege will shield the newspaper which publishes the defamatory response .
2 They will partly design the course themselves , concentrating on using local produce and designing menus so that preparation can be fitted in round all the other pressures on a farm .
3 ‘ I must stress the fact we have visited the homes and brought in 135 juveniles in connection with this inquiry since last Friday . ’
4 Economics , sociology , mathematics , law and accounting were suggested as the essential subjects , and although colleges could provide liberal studies also , ‘ we would stress the importance we attach to a liberal treatment of the whole curriculum ’ .
5 Fergus in exchange for Calatin , for only Calatin could weave the Enchantment which would allow them to ride in the Time Chariot .
6 And if you if they ca n't absorb the information what 's the point in giving the signal in the first place ?
7 There is a feeling that if the wording were changed to ‘ seeking to interfere with play ’ it would spare the player who is in an offside position but making a genuine attempt to stay onside by , for example , running back towards the halfway line .
8 On temporarily sober reflection , I think I 'd better just stay the way I am , and settle for the occasional bursts of adulation down the pub .
9 The irony for him now is that a third success could relegate the club he supported as a boy .
10 Do n't vacuum the mattress which could dislodge the filling but instead brush it occasionally to remove dust and fluff
11 We can help you devise the scheme you need to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way , to reward your employees without overstraining your cashflow or profits , and our specialists will come and explain everything to your employees .
12 They did not convey the threat which Mr Smith posed to average earners trying to become higher earners , and to low earners who relied on higher earners for work .
13 The post-classical tradition is not altogether simple , and the word ‘ fusion ’ does not adequately convey the processes which went on .
14 Licensing the PA-7100 chip , system technology and HP/UX operating system from HP , Samsung will build the workstation itself at its Korean-based plant : it has enhanced the operating system to support additional I/O features , but retains binary-compatibility with HP/UX and will run the 4,000-odd applications available .
15 Mr Webb says the row wo n't stop his fund raising activities — but he thinks the hospital should refund the money it spent , so that it can be put towards other needy projects .
16 So , if the washing machine goes wrong , it will diagnose the problem itself , call the repairman , get a quote and call its owner at work to find out whether to go ahead .
17 I have been asked by my chief to ask you to let me have for him without further delay , the short note which he called ‘ on what you would advise should be done to concentrate and coordinate the work you are doing ’ .
18 Furthermore , a reinvestigation involving the same suspects and witnesses can not be independent of the original investigation because the experience of the original investigation will influence the way they behave in any further investigation .
19 In a way his personality does influence the way I would vote , because I think I can trust him . ’
20 The Tree has some pretty weird ideas about religion ; he might just swallow the idea he 's been working for the devil all this time .
21 They will recollect the guidelines they were given themselves as children .
22 I can recollect the brief you gave to and we all agreed it is that everybody would be able to do
23 She would compare the snaps they 'd taken of Peter on the lawn in the summer with the photographs of John as a baby .
24 And he does not compare the questions themselves in respect of what lies behind them — making them ones which we can , or can not , easily ‘ see through ’ — or in respect of how they should be answered .
25 You 'll pardon the paraphrase I hope .
26 Yeah we are has that does that answer the question we actually are considering it
27 Can you answer the question what is the relative strength of the electric field at points N and M in Fig. 2.9(a) and at points Q and P in Fig. 2.9(b) ?
28 Can I just answer the question I , I dodged ?
29 Brilliant answer , but he did n't answer the question I asked .
30 Can I answer the question you asked Choppy , firstly about opting out being a stunt , and course it 's a political stunt .
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