Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At worst we can now doubt for reasons which are purely moral , spiritual or psychological , as in the case of someone who is incurably suspicious , a problem which has nothing at all to do with epistemology .
2 The more common it is , the more people will know of others who have been divorced and they are correspondingly less likely to condemn this action .
3 On both sides , however , these views may merge into others which are more starkly contrasted : the idea of a reformist path to socialism may be transformed into a total preoccupation with reforming the existing society and a virtual renunciation of socialism as the ultimate goal ; the revolutionary approach may develop into a rejection of every kind of struggle for reforms as being positively inimical to the growth of a revolutionary class consciousness , the adoption of a politique du pire and the expectation of a catastrophic breakdown of capitalism from which a band of dedicated revolutionaries will lead the masses into socialism .
4 I felt strongly , the girls should wear something they 'd normally buy in stores they visit .
5 Alternatively , if you do steal from shops what would stop you doing so ?
6 That means that , in effect , the Bill will steal from pensioners what is their due .
7 I will consider in chambers what consequential and other directions and orders I should make .
8 Goldfish are extremely hardy and will survive in conditions which would kill any other species of fish .
9 It is to help them act on reasons which bind them .
10 IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets that it foresees for its products , but in this case limits itself to saying that it will appeal to professionals who would prefer ‘ easy-to-remember voice commands ’ to complicated keystrokes or mouse movements .
11 The company markets a wheatless version that would appeal to chefs who want an unadulterated product .
12 Seymour Cray now says that it will be marketed as a front-end to enhance massively parallel processors , in the hope that the combination will appeal to scientists whose problems are too complex for a massively parallel computer alone to solve .
13 In desperation , he might appeal to witnesses who had seen me sitting on the bench in the park while he was talking to my double outside .
14 ‘ Rupert and the Green Dragon ’ is produced by the same people who brought ‘ Postman Pat and ‘ Fireman Sam ’ to the Opera House so it will obviously appeal to children who love to see their favourite characters on stage .
15 I look forward to hearing his contribution and finding out whether he can guarantee to employees whose companies are about to be privatised that their future pension rights will be as secure as they are under TOPS .
16 Rather than concentrate on restrictions it is much easier , at least initially , to consider the positive aspect of healthy eating .
17 In the former case the study will concentrate on factors which constrained or enhanced the development of Western medicine ; in the latter case those which encouraged its export .
18 Barrows argued that geography should concentrate on the study of the association between man and environment , it should concentrate on themes which lead towards synthesis with an economic regional geography occupying a central place , but that specialized branches , including geomorphology , climatology and biogeography should be separated from the parent subject .
19 Mr Arnold said the group would concentrate on areas which have become cooperative deserts and re-establish the Co-op name as a major force in Northern retailing .
20 This book is set against the breakdown of the pattern in recent times , the next will concentrate on peasants who have moved to the city .
21 They do not concentrate on features which are the result of our physical or biological makeup .
22 If he is an oil sheik he can concentrate on books which have been bedizened with gold and silver , with diamonds , rubies , pearls and the whole galaxy of precious and semi-precious stones ; with rich brocades , velvets , silks and laces , along with skins from ostriches , peacocks , reindeer , elephants and other denizens of field and forest .
23 This definition does not exclude the names of persons , bodies , chemicals , trade names and so on , but since we are concerned primarily with the subject approach , this list as discussed in the next few sections will concentrate on terms which describe subjects .
24 ‘ It will focus on areas which are currently under-used and look at development opportunities and guidelines , ’ conservation officer Tom Walker said .
25 For a long time it had been accepted that humans could not survive on worlds which were in orbit around any sun which was capable of being classed as a red giant .
26 Can you think of factors which will influence the result .
27 Every separatist movement in Europe that I can think of bases itself on ‘ ethnicity ’ , linguistic or not , that is to say on the assumption that ‘ we ’ — the Basques , Catalans , Scots , Croats , or Georgians are a different people from the Spaniards , the English , the Serbs or the Russians , and therefore we should not live in the same state with them .
28 Do you borrow for items you used to buy with cash ?
29 And what do you feel about ladies who do it , such as Joan Collins ?
30 Is there anything we can do for women who go past term ?
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