Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] something of " in BNC.

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1 Swiftly , now , before the deep-freezers , the dehydrators and the emulsifiers take the syllabub away from us and return it transformed and forever despoiled , let us discover how it was made in its heyday and what we can do to recapture something of its pristine charm .
2 Put a tried and tested American management development technique together with English county cricket , and you might expect to get something of a cultural googly .
3 She wo n't mind accepting something of that kind from the Pack , I know , and I 'm sure she 'll enjoy having you decorate the cottage for Christmas for her . ’
4 ‘ You said you 'd like to see something of the Cotswold Way .
5 I 've explained that you 'd like to see something of his island . ’
6 If this is so , then the church may begin to experience something of the grief of Jesus going ‘ through all the towns and villages ’ and being filled with compassion because the crowds ‘ were harassed and helpless , like sheep without a shepherd ’ .
7 Just watch a bat weave its way through the evening sky and you may begin to glimpse something of the world it perceives .
8 Would you like to learn something of our history ? ’
9 So you might actually want to put something of that in to your land reform
10 In the middle of many clashes and difficulties were the men whom I had met , and to whom , if I had been a true friend , I might have given something of the faith and spirit which could have helped them find a better way for their people .
11 The tone of the report suggests the hotel may have suffered something of a champagne drought after the Australians motorcaded out next morning .
12 If the Community can take constructive and urgent action , as my right hon. Friend the Member for Shoreham ( Sir R. Luce ) said , to bring the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations to a successful conclusion , it will have done something of value for its members and the global economy generally .
13 Elizabeth 's friend Maud must have said something of this sort , for I find I once wrote to her : ‘ Maud was right , I think .
14 However , they could be valuable witnesses who may have seen something of interest .
15 Li Yuan must have seen something of that in her face , for what he said next seemed to penetrate her mood , almost to read her thoughts .
16 I 'll have had a good life , and I 'll have tried , and I 'll have made something of myself .
17 ‘ I 'd 've thought that Arise would have made something of a meal of all that — top financier in shares scandal ; weapons mogul arms IRA ; that sort of thing . ’
18 Laurie Bruce , who was delighted , says he thinks they must have had something of everything ever recorded , from slimming exercises to the finest classical music , and jazz , and some very interesting ‘ 78 's too .
19 You could have spoken to him , you could have offered something of yourself , but you left him there in the stinking bloody cold .
20 The Archdeacon may have divined something of her thought .
21 Sarah , in her turn , must have experienced something of the warmth of feeling which can link one human being to another , but now , all that was left was a fierce possessiveness , veined with jealousy which at any moment could flare into hatred .
22 JUST when you may been ready to despair , it seems that this country of ours may have found something of its heart , or perhaps its soul .
23 It would have taken something of a miracle to attract the capital investment which might have begun to change this state of affairs .
24 At times he feels that the most he can hope for is to identify some fissures in the accumulating mass of proposals in their formative stages into which he can try to insert something of his own political values .
25 If he looked into the device , he may have left something of himself . ’
26 However , arguments along the lines of ‘ the Russians ’ real objective was less their alleged anxiety to protect Cuba than to alter the whole balance of global strategy to their advantage by one bold stroke' ( Clissold : 1970 , p. 49 ) would seem to raise something of a false dilemma .
27 This simple game based on the Prisoner 's Dilemma does seem to capture something of the problem of the arms race in real life .
28 But it was such perfect weather that if they could not get a fox away , even the most incompetent hunt in England could n't fail to make something of it .
29 I told him he was a liar and he said , ‘ Do you want to make something of it ? ’
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