Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] to [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Marriage is a rite of passage and does actually give credence to loving and being loved by someone exclusively . ’
2 Not only do you know where you are trying to get to , but you can also give attention to attempting to discover the fall back position of your opponent .
3 He will give pointers to advancing the Trade Campaign in our areas .
4 BR should give priority to installing cab radios to link driver and signalman .
5 If these institutions genuinely want to help the poor , they should give priority to helping voluntary organizations .
6 The question that the Government must answer is whether , if they were to maintain their stand-back attitude and what they call their options , British investors — not simply inward investors — who want to sell their produce throughout the Community and the rest of Europe would give priority to investing and developing in Britain when they had every reason to believe that the Government were ever ready to withdraw from the European process .
7 We have a backlog of sites awaiting shelters , but would give priority to providing one at this location if you consider that this would be helpful .
8 And if there 's no money in it for me I 'm not gon na give priority to going picking up a piece of wood for a customer .
9 A recruitment team faced by this kind of surge in activity is liable to have to make a decision : do we concentrate on getting the letters out or do we give priority to keeping the records in line ?
10 Erm I think it would be nice if the grammar were checked from , we promised to give high priority in responding , surely we can give priority to responding , and as a small point , I was gon na go on about the most important road which of course is Breadfield Street
11 We should give thought to cleaning up the environment generally .
12 In their first few months of training , they can give consideration to making their own arrangements if they so choose .
13 The draftsman should give consideration to doing so in all renewal leases ( see Form 15 ) but if this is done , the tenant 's adviser must ensure that all necessary ancillary rights are expressly granted by the lease .
14 This material will be passed to civilian inventories controlled by Minatom , the ministry of atomic energy ; counting bombs will give way to accounting for material .
15 ‘ There are 11 players who can not wait to get this game started and as soon as those Scotland jerseys are pulled over our heads the dream of playing against the world champions will give way to proving individual worth , ’ said Robertson .
16 It will be available to limited customers in the first quarter of 1993 ; general availability will follow improvements to networking capability through Amdahl 4655 front-end processors , and added support for Enterprise Systems Connection architecture and the Open Systems Expansion Feature of Amdahl 's 6390–3 disk drives .
17 Each time she made a decision to keep away from birds , she was in fact reinforcing and enlarging the fear in her own mind , so that she changed from being someone who simply did not like birds to becoming a person who would actually consider spending the rest of her life within her own four walls rather than risk encountering a few sparrows in her path .
18 I had intended this month 's design to be called ‘ Poppies ’ but decided this might restrict knitters to thinking only of red as a possible choice of colour for their full blooms .
19 All have come short of the divine standard for human life ; none can lay claim to earning the verdict of acquittal by keeping the law in its entirety : ‘ for there is no distinction , since all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ’ ( Rom. 3:23 ) .
20 Ayr , Irvine and Kilmarnock Academies could each lay claim to having had the largest number of scholars who went on to great things but , before these grander seats of learning were established , several small , seemingly totally inadequate schools had produced a succession of men of whom the county can be proud .
21 So while Glasgow can lay claim to having had the earliest adult deaf organisation , Edinburgh 's Deaf Society has the longest continuous existence .
22 When one adds to that the £40 million or so from the trust , my hon. Friends at least will recognise that the Government can lay claim to spending more money on sport than any party has done for many years .
23 Ancient laws governed who would have rights to watering holes , but the young herders were often caught in the breach , stealing camels and sometimes women , from neighbouring clans .
24 Delegates called on the Council of Ministers to " pay attention to enhancing people 's confidence in the new regime " and to promoting economic development , and spoke out against price rises and " random , state-private economic exploitation " .
25 It can lead people to linking arms at Blackpool and , depending on whether it 's the Labour Party Conference or the annual darts team binge singing The Red Flag or the Okie Cokie but it can also lead to a group of skins bunging bricks through a Pakistani 's shop window .
26 The tactic is to draw speculators ' fangs by making them commit capital to buying put options .
27 However , UI RoadMaps do not commit members to using the reference technologies or interface specifications they include .
28 ( 2 ) The loans must be to defray expenditure incurred in acquiring ordinary share capital of a close company complying with s13A(2) as described above , or in lending to such a close company where the money loaned is used wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its business or the business of any of its associated companies provided the latter are also close companies satisfying the conditions of s13A(2). ( 3 ) When interest is paid on the manager 's loan , Newco must continue to comply with s13A(2) — this means it must continue to satisfy the relevant purpose test rather than that it should continue to remain a close company ; in the case of a purchase of shares in Target , the reason why Newco should be close after the institutions commit to invest is to ensure that institutions and management can invest at the same time and that , at that time , Newco is both close and satisfies the relevant purpose test , ie already controls Target ; management can not commit Newco to acquiring Target until the institutions have committed to funding Newco , and once they have so committed the institutions are likely to control Newco under s416 , so a structure is needed whereby management also controls Newco at this point .
29 Mr Cook may prefer silence to eating his words .
30 An acceptance of the fact that some pupils will require adaptations to learning materials or specialised equipment such as braillers or magnifying aids as necessary rather than remarkable is a good pragmatic basis on which to work .
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