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1 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
2 To accept what I have been saying about epistemic appearances is to accept that our visual experience does somehow involve a judgement about what we are looking at , whether in our experience of works of art or in ordinary visual experience .
3 Erm , having looked at all that , I think what the issue really boils down to essentially is the willingness of the County Council and I suppose the panel , having heard what er the debate , to accept what I think is really a modest level of flexibility er er requested by the District Council .
4 I would like to know what I get for that .
5 You do n't begin to know what I mean . ’
6 He wants to know what I mean .
7 Deane almost scored with a delightful back heel flick type effort ( you have to see it to know what I mean ) .
8 And if you really want to know what I think , it 's that you Cretaceous people are insanely arrogant .
9 ‘ You want to know what I think ? ’
10 " I can not accept lectures , " he told his guests , " because the people who pay for them expect me to attend cocktail parties at which I am caught between someone wanting to know what I think of existentialism and someone asking me what I really meant by such-and-such a line " .
11 ‘ Before you call me all the names you can think of , and before you demand to know what I think I 'm doing , I want to say how lovely you look ; your dress is exquisite , but no more than you are .
12 Do you want to know what I think ?
13 Do you want to know what I look like ? ’
14 You want to know what I do ?
15 ‘ And who 's to know what I do to you out here in the middle of nowhere ? ’
16 I have to write what I 've been talking about .
17 M. It 's despair at the lack of ( I 'm cheating , I did n't say all these things — but I 'm going to write what I want to say as well as what I did ) feeling , of love , of reason in the world .
18 The instruments of war , the machinery that was necessary to prosecute what I think was , if any war could be just , a truly just war , these implements and machines are tremendously important but they are passing , they are transitory .
19 I shall suggest that these attempts to find what I call compensatory factors not only fail to be counterbalances , but also represent the undoing of Christology .
20 To explore what I mean further , I want to examine some data collected as part of a larger project looking at children and television .
21 Let me give you one scripture in closing , in two Timothy chapter one and verse twelve , the apostle says , for this reason , he says I suffer these things but I am not ashamed , for I know whom I have believed , and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
22 I 'm convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
23 It is also important to create what I call a maternal genealogy to add to the paternal lineage which the current histories of art canonise — the succession of geniuses passing on the Olympic torch down the ages , man to man .
24 ‘ It will take me a long time to define what I mean .
25 It is against this background therefore that I would like to state what I see as the relevance of Christianity to political economy .
26 Moreover , such tests could be devised in such a way as to reflect what I have argued to be the most important feature of any new curriculum , the equal importance of the practical and the theoretical .
27 After her decision to stop working with a model , she wrote : ‘ Through the long time of working on studies , I finally have attained a certain background in technique which allows me to express what I want without a model . ’
28 His son James said : ‘ I ca n't find words to express what I feel about the people who did this .
29 You ought to hear what I 've been hearing .
30 Never mind , perhaps next time when we meet and hopefully we 'll be meeting again in say a fortnight 's time , erm we can set some time aside when you 'll both be here cos I 'm sure she 'll be interested to hear what I 've got to come back and talk about .
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