Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] while [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are not happy with this position in that the Inspector appears to accept that while the formality of recording the transfer of motor vehicles to the directors was not processed through the accounting records , he is by implication accepting that they were recorded , in order to have the directors ' loan accounts overdrawn while ignoring the dividend .
2 The third need is to remember that while the 1988 Act changed many aspects of management from the point of view of the insider , it changed few things from the point of view of the parents , the employer or the public .
3 We are forced to conclude that while the main argument does confer qualified and partial authority on just governments it invariably fails to justify the claims to authority which these governments make for themselves .
4 Apollinaire was furthermore at pains to stress that while the work of Mondrian derived from that of Picasso and Braque , it was completely different in appearance .
5 Where there is a surety to the agreement and an assignment by the tenant is agreed by the landlord , it is advisable to ensure that while the surety may still be forced to be bound by the obligations on its part contained in the agreement , the surety should not be forced to be a party to the lease .
6 In particular it is important to appreciate that while the Americans frequently accused the British of old-fashioned colonialism , this did not necessarily mean that the spokesman or writer was wholly ignorant of the evolution of British imperial policies since Queen Victoria .
7 It fills him with strange satisfaction to think that while the great illumination of the Market Square is quite invisible from this point , the little lamps of Iron Green can be seen glowing through a gap beyond Albert Road , It is many years now since he has visited the lower end of Odborough , for his legs will not carry him up and down the hill , and he growls like a dog if anyone suggests a car .
8 It is perhaps fair to say that while the balances are maintained , we are on the whole more conscious of evil as an objective power and of good as a subjective impulse ; Mordor and ‘ the Shadow ’ are nearer and more visible than the Valar or ‘ luck ’ .
9 He appeals to the differences between events in Russia and the other parts of Western Europe to show that while a contradiction between the forces and relations of production may be a necessary condition of a situation in which revolution is ‘ the task of the day ’ , it is clearly not sufficient to bring about a revolution proper .
10 It 's sobering to note that while the British have a mass of facetious academics for each real intellectual , and hardly any big fat writers on the lines of the US , Angela Carter , at the time of Nights at the Circus , was both these things to a world-class degree .
11 For the moment it is sufficient to note that while the managerialist picture of management discretion unbounded by market pressures is unquestionably a serious distortion , the more extreme claims made for the constraining power of these additional markets also give rise to considerable doubts .
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