Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 She often seemed to worry that they would appear strange to me and out of key with the age .
2 Access to files sometimes leads people to worry that they will be sued if the record contains unprovable statements .
3 ‘ It 's difficult for people to accept that they ca n't interfere with the transfer of data once it 's automated .
4 It 's interesting that gay men on Switchboard found it much easier to accept that they did n't automatically know best for lesbians than white people on Switchboard find it to accept that they might not know best for Black people .
5 Prison reformers have been slow to adapt to prison realities , and to accept that they must address the wider canvas of the criminal justice process .
6 The clear implication was that , eventually , their full demands would be met and in the meantime the Unionists had been obliged to accept that they could no longer rule with total disregard for the feelings and aspirations of Derry 's Catholics .
7 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
8 Aung San and his supporters were demanding full independence , but I happened to know that they would have been content , possibly even pleased , to be granted Dominion status .
9 ‘ Because they were clever enough to know that they could n't , ’ Jessamy said a trifle bitterly .
10 You see , when I became yard inspector , the staff soon got to know that they could n't kid me , they could n't kid me you see .
11 Bond owners might like to know that they can use her Knitmaster Chunky ribber-carrying cases for their machines — the bags are the perfect size for the Bond Classic .
12 It is frustrating to know that they can still , if they wish , punch the button marked ‘ Excess ’ .
13 READERS might like to know that they can play a part in choosing the UK ‘ People of the Year ’ .
14 They need to know that they can give you your professional , their professional attention they will not make it compulsively , the majority party of what went wrong this is you were no longer the majority party .
15 And if you ca n't wait to taste them , you 'll be pleased to know that they can be defrosted in a microwave !
16 The double windows , divided by twin columns , are the most pleasing thing in the room , with simply sculpted capitals , of a demon , the head of Christ , animals , birds , stars and flowers ; these , like the door between them , once gave on to the cloister , and it is nice to know that they will do so again , once that vital adjunct has been rebuilt .
17 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
18 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
19 When he said , " I ca n't believe this is me , man , " they looked at each other , unable to bear that they could not express what they felt for him , but they could laugh , and — it was Pat who sat next to him — stroke or pat him , or embrace him .
20 Historically , the behaviour of the students in the five or so years starting in 1969 can be seen as one more blow to education , one more reason for the public to begin to demand that they should have more control over the educational system .
21 Some people leave it very late to discover that they may not be aggressive/intellectual/pragmatic enough to succeed in their particular company .
22 These people may need to get married — trapped — to prove that they can get out , that divorce is not impossible , to discover that they can influence and do something about the situation .
23 Children love to discover that they can ‘ do ’ something new , and through the provision that is made and suggestions that are offered , each child is able to succeed at his own level .
24 I was intrigued to find that they might have two or even three broods in a summer , and that the elder chicks sometimes stayed around in the nest after the younger ones had hatched .
25 Treatment Centres tent to find that they can not predict which people are most likely to obtain lasting recovery .
26 Then again , too many young people have been through the finals course , often at considerable financial hardship to themselves or their families , only to find that they can not be absorbed into a recession-hit profession .
27 With the horse-trading in the event of a hung parliament certain to be ferocious , Liberal Democrats are keen to indicate that they would strike a tough bargain .
28 But they could , of course , take it to indicate that they can trample all over you .
29 Wilcox jerked his head to indicate that they should move on .
30 One of them , a tall Hung Mao sat apart from the rest , looked up as the three men approached , then , with the vaguest movement of his head to indicate that they should go on up , looked back down at the rifle in his lap , continuing his meticulous inspection of the weapon .
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