Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] they have " in BNC.

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1 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
2 Many people wish to plan their funerals in advance , and to know that they have set aside the money to pay for them :
3 Responsibility for those who deliver the education service requires people to feel and to know that they have a professional responsibility and can be trusted to discharge that .
4 Both are happy with the set-up and for people to know that they have come to an arrangement on leading separate lives .
5 It is not unusual to find that they have forged ahead on their own between lessons and are proud of the visible progress they have made . ’
6 Most authors have been baffled after the leisurely progress of their article through the system to find that they have to return the proofs in such a hurry .
7 The second and for this thesis the more interesting suggestion is that in an otherwise normal driving situation a driver may report ‘ waking up ’ to find that they have no recollection of having driven some previous part of the journey , despite the fact that they completed relatively complex manoeuvres during the period .
8 It is interesting to find that they have somewhat unusual morphological forms , which may suggest that they do indeed make some sort of special call on speakers ' capacity for linguistic construction .
9 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
10 We have followed the trail of these people only to find that they have moved house and we can not trace them .
11 The letters or packages are kept under lock and key or in the safe and when guests collect them they must sign the record book to indicate that they have taken delivery .
12 If the frail or housebound are to eat properly , it is essential to see that they have help with their shopping , for carrying or pushing heavy baskets soon becomes an impossibility and very few shops now deliver goods .
13 5 If you leave a message for someone else to phone the journalist back , check to see that they have not missed the message or forgotten to fulfil it .
14 Material dependence arises because the old can not earn their living and financial arrangements must be made to see that they have an income that is adequate to their needs .
15 We need to see that they have taken it into account .
16 Since in general ‘ politics ’ should not be discussed in school , it is easy for teachers to claim that they have no strong opinions about subjects like , say , the National Front .
17 Although many people have been known to claim that they have a poor visual imagination , this is not in fact so .
18 However , it is certainly an exaggeration to claim that they have been ‘ proletarianized ’ .
19 Auditors who wish to confirm that they have the right version should check that the wording in para 2 of the letter accords with Rule 1.5(b) of the ABC 's audit rules .
20 Where an application is made more than 24 months after starting Approved Practical Experience , they are also required to confirm that they have satisfied these guidelines in the period to date .
21 On application members will be required to confirm that they have complied with these guidelines on an annual basis .
22 Between the ages of 18 months and 2½ years children will start to report that they have a dirty nappy and will use different words for urine and faeces .
23 Your Committee is pleased to report that they have reached agreement in principle with the owner of suitable premises adjoining Bull House , Bull Street , Bishop 's Castle , for their use as the Bishop 's Castle Railway Museum .
24 After some time though people begin to realize that they have spent minutes , hours , even days , without consciously thinking of the person who has died .
25 During much of the book you do not feel anything for the androids , but as you see their struggle for survival and begin to sense that they have gained the feelings that humans are losing , you realise the irony of the book .
26 Real gravitons make up what classical physicists would call gravitational waves , which are very weak-and so difficult to detect that they have never yet been observed .
27 " I have been connected with different unions for this last twenty years " , he declared to the Royal Commission on Labour in 1892 , " but I am sorry to state that they have been formed for the benefit of one man , for he has generally cleared out with the funds " .
28 ‘ But although he 's been a key force for them , we have to remember that they have a number of good jumpers ready to come in as replacements .
29 The Poles did not look much of a side at all when they lost 3-0 at Wembley in June and , although they have improved since under new management , there is nothing in their results to suggest that they have recovered the standard of the team that put Sir Alf Ramsey 's England out of the World Cup in 1973 .
30 If capitalist industrialisation has done little to improve the position of women , is there any evidence to suggest that they have fared better with alternative paths of development ?
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