Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Companies can find it difficult to know which agencies they should approach and , according to Ms Gordon , often become frustrated with the agencies for sending along unsuitable applicants .
2 You know it says book forty , do you have to know which books you want to go into ?
3 Erm and I think that it is a very useful exercise to discover which things you know fall below that break even point and which things are therefore if you like internally subsidized or which we do for one reason or another .
4 After all , you do not have to look at your feet to know what shoes you have on .
5 One of the marks of a competent lawyer is his ability to know what gaps there are in the facts of his case .
6 The reason for the inclusion of ‘ to its knowledge ’ in ( a ) and ( b ) and its exclusion from ( c ) is that a subsidiary could well be ignorant , through no fault of its own , that it is a subsidiary , whereas a parent company ought to know what subsidiaries it has .
7 The main difficulty is that in order to record capital the organization not only has to know what assets it owns but it also has to put a value on them , even if the ‘ value ’ is their historic cost .
8 The whole interview reminded him of the English card game in which you not only had to guess what cards your opponent held , but decide what he thought yours were , and so on .
9 We were to discover what opportunities there were , and use them as fully as we could .
10 With a court action pending , you may well be horrified to find what loopholes you left to the attack of a cross-examining Counsel .
11 I looked at 10 no-frills SVGA monitors to see which ones I could put up with .
12 But it 'd be nice to have some sort of pictorial representation of It 'd just be easier to see which areas we 've got to cover .
13 I could n't cope with never knowing what days I was going to be there — you had to wait till the rota was up to see which days you 'd be working …
14 For those who do n't wish to travel for a complete week or fortnight , there are a range of cheaper Flexi Rovers which allow you to choose which days you travel .
15 ‘ Cadet : be advised to beware which obscenities you scream during punishment , lest you rate further chastisement . ’
16 Unofficial forecasts for inflation this month alone now range between 25 and 60 per cent — and companies will be free to set whatever prices they like from now on .
17 They can help to identify which companies you ought to be looking at , they may have a database of relevant information , and if you are looking at information-gathering from a number of companies they can save you time and effort if they do the legwork .
18 Undoubtedly the greatest obstacle was the fear of the shipowners that they would lose the right which they cherished so dearly , to select whatever crews they thought fit .
19 We need bold headline posters in colour to identify what sections they represent so that we can give our members activist up to date information in advance of other comp competition and other unions .
20 One of the jobs we are doing is to identify what schemes they 're planning that they wo n't need to build .
21 ‘ I am certainly willing to give you a free hand … and to express whatever conclusions you come to as to guilt or innocence .
22 When you want the computer to list what instructions it has received , you type LIST on the keyboard .
23 ‘ I do n't deny him the right to use whatever symbols he wants as an artist , but as a friend I was disappointed that he knew how inflammatory that would be to a Madness audience .
24 Neutralizing involves giving the employee work where their weaknesses can not cause problems and where they get a chance to use whatever strengths they possess .
25 As time goes on , the Government envisages more and more hospitals becoming NHS Trusts , with powers to negotiate what services they will provide .
26 Doctors wished to preserve their clinical freedom to prescribe what drugs they themselves felt were necessary .
27 The aerospace companies , and the elected representatives of their employees , are keen to salvage what jobs they may .
28 I now realize that there are different kinds of Jews , ranging from the ultra-religious Chasidim who do dress like that , to Liberal Jews who do not recognize the holy nature of the Bible and who prefer to keep whichever laws they can rationalize .
29 Churchill in the cabinet in August 1954 expressed the fear that the United States , conscious that it must soon lose its nuclear lead over the USSR , might be tempted in the interval to try to snatch what advantages it could in the Cold War .
30 The first step is to decide what headings you want in the list and to give these meaningful names .
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