Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [subord] their " in BNC.

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1 This was to encourage people to work through until their department moved and also so that R.S. left the impression of being a caring employer with those who chose redundancy .
2 National President , Mrs Joyce Triggs , advised members to find out if their MPs supported Christian values and what their views were on important issues .
3 Other people are contacting alternative insurance brokers in Aylesbury to try to find out if their policies are still valid .
4 An RUC spokesman said : ‘ It is surprising that in many cases , people who have lost quite large sums do n't take the trouble to check with police to find out if their money has been handed in . ’
5 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
6 It had been a long , slow journey from Odessa and although it was already 1am there were still many more official forms to fill out before their new life in Israel could begin .
7 ‘ Any help the public can be given to clear up after their dogs can only be applauded .
8 Mr Gorbachev himself , in deciding to battle on as their leader , clearly does not think so .
9 The direction ‘ laissez vibrer ’ is given here to indicate that the cymbals are to be allowed to vibrate freely — to ring on until their vibration dies away naturally .
10 They had to break in because their keys had been nicked .
11 By overload I mean that their performance of the job begins to break down as their current level of competence is pushed to the limit and beyond .
12 This is because they try to get up before their body weight is over their feet .
13 Reporters and producers have a public duty to speak out if their vision of truth is suppressed by government appointees .
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