Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I 've nothing adverse to report on either the buses or the trains .
2 And I 've nothing to report on either the trains or the buses .
3 And the increases are likely to carry on now the plunging pound has made Britain such an economically attractive place for overseas visitors , the British Tourist Authority said .
4 the meat is not allowed to go on just an ordinary pallet .
5 half G T half G T squared plus some constant times time normally your the the G will be a negative half A T squared but someone had said come up with that equation , and you 've said well what are you going to give me to go on well the acceleration 's constant .
6 I used to enjoy the singing a lot but sometimes the preachers used to go on quite a bit .
7 Er I think that was the sign to sit down not the sign to sit down and chatter
8 Zoologists have found the animal difficult to classify in either the genus Felis or Panthera and have given it a new genus , hence Neofelis nebula .
9 It was I remember reading in the paper that it 's been it 's been filmed at a house which no one 's ever been allowed to go in even the great sort of one of these country mansions , it was not Bradley Hall
10 They play a very defensive style and we 're gon na need to go down there an open the game up and play as well as we can .
11 It turns out that our animal was able to see in almost every direction — upwards , downwards , sideways and forwards , and even backwards , because the eyes bulged out beyond the line of the rest of the body .
12 The secret is to concentrate on just a couple of areas .
13 But for their middle-class , middle-aged , CD-buying target audience , such shows , which tend to concentrate on either the roots of popular music or music from the less-developed world , offer the chance to explore the very ‘ essence ’ of a musical culture .
14 In sum , as societies become industrialized , so the family loses its range of functions and comes to concentrate on only a few .
15 Would could and should they 're going to come in quite a bit .
16 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
17 ‘ He used to come in twice a week and was one of our best customers , ’ says manager Moni Ahmed .
18 I can rely on one of my neighbours to come in once a week to check on things and feed the fish , but he is not a fishkeeper and I 'd like to make things as easy for him as possible .
19 It was possible to teach one single set of paddling techniques because all boats could be assumed to work in roughly the same way .
20 This seems to work in quite the opposite way for jokes , where silence , or a comment like " I " m sorry , I don " t get it " are negative responses to processing effort .
21 When faced with what we regard as consummately bad taste , or people who seem to revel in exactly the behaviour we abhor , we often feel revolted , nauseous or acutely embarrassed , as when parents say the wrong thing in front of a child 's peers , or that child is forced to wear clothes whose image he or she rejects .
22 We used to come down here every Friday afternoon !
23 I was I used to come up here every week anyway , cos I had friends here but erm I never er I did n't take pictures for months and months and months .
24 Normally she would have derived great satisfaction from the image , and even greater satisfaction from the prospect of spending the night amid the pulsating excitement of Monaco at night , but right now she was finding it hard to work up even the tiniest bit of enthusiasm .
25 If the surface of the earth was covered to a depth of one metre in protein molecules , each one different from every other one , and if each molecule changed into another one once a second , and had done so since the origin of the earth , there would have been time to try out only a minute fraction of the possible sequences .
26 George Mills wants the Home Office to find out why a witness , Neville Juke , was n't called to give evidence at his brother 's trial .
27 The British Horse Society is anxious to find out why a third of them should have happened in this year alone .
28 I set out to find out why no extra police were coming to help our communities .
29 EVERY death in asthma patients is to be studied in an attempt to find out why the number of deaths is rising despite the apparently excellent treatments , doctors announced yesterday .
30 Brown 's second was unable to follow and stuck terrified in mid-face , leaving Joe to solo down the adjacent Doorpost to find out why the rope was n't moving !
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