Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] over the " in BNC.

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1 Gazing idly over the rolling green lawns , she watched the red glow of the sun , slowly beginning to sink down over the horizon .
2 Reaching out , Vitor touched a honey-coloured strand of hair which had tumbled from her topknot to curl down over the exposed nape of her neck .
3 Nobody who has ever taken the trouble to visit General Gouraud 's observation post on a cold , dank winter 's day , could ever escape the hell-hole ambiance of such a deathly place which seems to reach out over the decades of time to shame and sicken the human race .
4 ‘ In preparing this Address I had the opportunity to reflect back over the last thirty years , reliving those working days when wages were extremely low , working conditions poor and when in industry a person 's life was cheap .
5 The Castle was faintly lit by the soft light of the moon , and Grainne , pausing to look down over the courtyard through a small side window , saw how the countryside was bathed in radiance .
6 Luke laughed deeply , turning away to stare out over the garden again .
7 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
8 The object of bereavement work with the elderly can be more one of continuing supportive intervention and understanding the old person 's need to look back over the past years and relationships than of expecting them to ‘ work through ’ their grief to its resolution .
9 In splinters of thought , unconnectedly , I began to look back over the past three weeks .
10 This is the process by which the manager sets aside perhaps an hour per year to talk privately to each adviser , to look back over the year and forward to the next and discuss any concerns that the manager and adviser may have .
11 He had no wish to look out over the Shatt al-Arab , the narrow glistening strip that divided his country from the Islamic Republic of Iran .
12 From Middenheim 's many tall towers it is possible to look out over the Great Forest to the south and the Drakwald to the west , a carpet of treetops stretching in every direction save eastwards , where the rising Middle Mountains burst from the forest floor , tall and jagged , and the colour of thunder clouds .
13 Every so often he slipped back to look out over the field and make sure that all was safe .
14 We drove back towards Titchwell Marsh , stopping to look out over the miles of salt marsh on the way .
15 The citadel is not open to visitors , but the hill it stands on is a good spot to zigzag your way up to , to look out over the town , the river and its basin , and the valleys that go off from it north , south , east and west .
16 She could imagine what he looked like : dark , slightly wavy hair and blue eyes , the right eyes to look out over the miles of sea all around him .
17 There were paintings stacked at the side of the room — whether finished or not , she did not know — but the thing that was most touching , the thing that stopped her forward momentum was a chair by the lower window , obviously placed to look out over the valley and the distant forest .
18 She turned to look out over the battlements again and raised her voice just as the sun broke through .
19 But suddenly he seemed to blossom out and take weight , like a ghost deciding to cross back over the frontier from the land of death .
20 We have to go up over the fell . "
21 She has had to give in over the question of chrome : and the Foreign Minister , who never struck me as being too friendly towards us , failed to get away ( as he apparently hoped ) with letting armed German ships through the Straits .
22 Every diplomatic effort was made to get him and his army to retire back over the frontier , but without success .
23 ‘ I 'll have a lot of time to go back over the past in the coming years , I suppose , wonder whether I made the right choices at the right time . ’
24 Leonora forced herself to go back over the dream sequence in every terrifying detail .
25 After the case Mr Bedi vowed to fight on over the unpaid bill which , he claims , was sent to the wrong address .
26 Ha had things been allowed to run down over the war ?
27 The atmosphere was fantastic at the end as it seemed to build up over the rounds .
28 Just think what we have struggled to build up over the years , for what we call job security .
29 From this position it is less likely to run out over the fur .
30 How can I make it suitable to send out over the internet to anyone interested .
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