Example sentences of "[to-vb] [subord] [noun pl] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The object was to discover if ways could be found to make it easier to live with .
2 It was also important to establish whether adults would use deductive markers in these contexts , and so a written version of the tasks was given to a group of undergraduates .
3 Some years were to pass before statutes could only be made in parliament .
4 Not only walking to do the shopping but walking to work when men would have to get up at 4.0 a.m. with , in some cases , an hour 's walk to get to work .
5 Referrals from fundholding practices to private clinics , on the other hand , might be expected to increase as fundholders would have an incentive to encourage privately insured patients to claim from their insurance companies to avoid incurring a charge against the practice budget .
6 If there are new housing developments in the neighbourhood contact the builder to see if copies can be on display in show homes .
7 Nicholson had never carried out his threat to sue , though Hugo had endured some worrying weeks waiting to see if papers would be served on him , and the experience had made him determined never to work for the likes of Nicholson again .
8 I 'll be spending all day on the phone when I get home to see if things can be sorted out .
9 Now they 're waiting to see if humans will respond .
10 My own line is studying the effect of lasers on chemical reactions to see if lasers can be used to stimulate or generate new novel types of chemical process .
11 A few months later — in conjunction with the Resolution Trust Company ( RTC ) , which was overseeing the thrifts rescue effort — the federal agency called in a New York law firm to see if funds could be recovered from Drexel .
12 Mr Robertson applied for an adjournment to see if witnesses could be traced but Mr Justice Kennedy denied his application .
13 In bibliographic databases , it is important to consider whether pupils will want or need to search for a particular author , a particular location or a particular format such as " book " or " video " .
14 The importance of this taxonomy of goods as private , or having a collective element ( this embraces common , public and toll goods ) is to determine whether markets will provide an allocatively efficient quantity of each type of good .
15 In 1986 the following causes were pressed successfully by the Lords : wider consultation rights for workers in relation to reorganization of the naval dockyards ; local authorities to decide whether tenants should have the right to buy old people 's properties ; abolition of caning in schools ; application of health and safety laws to all buildings used by the national health service .
16 Families can be torn in trying to decide whether children should accompany their parents abroad and receive their schooling there or whether they should remain in the home country at a boarding school .
17 Conversely , if the banana is strongly preferred , the reasoner will have to decide whether elephants can attack bananas .
18 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
19 For the first time , an Act of Parliament lays a duty upon a public official , the Data Protection Registrar , to judge whether activities shall be deemed lawful by reference to a set of principles .
20 Finally a simple set of performance tests was sought , to assess whether respondents could actually perform some of the basic activities of daily living ( such as counting money , telling the time , reading medicine bottle instructions ) .
21 Rail fares have been rising at around 1 ½ per cent over inflation in recent years and the new corporate plan also warns that BR has 12 months to assess whether passengers would pay even more for a better service .
22 It is , though , well worth remembering that snow may cover over some of the bolt-holes , maybe even entrances too , so that some become difficult to locate whereas others will be plain to see .
23 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that , although we can not protect the entire railway track throughout the country , a useful step may be to see whether cameras can be used at strategic points , not least at the busiest rail junction in the world ?
24 Krabbe , who is waiting to see whether officials will allow her to run at this year 's Barcelona Olympics , will run over 100 metres in regional championships , meeting organiser Ulrich Krueger said today .
25 The Department of Trade and Industry has promised to examine whether charities may be able to get round this by using a clause , such as s 257 of the Companies Act , that contains special regulations for banks and insurance companies , allowing them different formats .
26 The latest move is the introduction of a scheme to test whether computers can handle a standard version of Cobol , a language used by business .
27 But it was too early to say whether fans would sway any decision on his future .
28 It is improper to ask whether relations can be " assimilated " to properties or whether all properties might not after all be explicable in terms of " qualitative properties " .
29 The supply problem is such that it is difficult to tell whether parents can not afford to buy the books , or whether no copies are available .
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