Example sentences of "[to-vb] [subord] [pron] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He said evenly , ‘ My chief reason is wanting to know if you and Giles — ’
2 Remember how you were concerned for his or her welfare , how you wanted to know if he or she had slept well , had eaten properly or was too cold or too hot ?
3 Your child may need to know because you or someone else in the family is ill , or because he or she has HIV or AIDS .
4 I want to know whether you and Melanie slept in this bed together . ’
5 ‘ And how do you check that the guest will be able to talk once he or she is on the show ?
6 The confidential document asked soldiers to state whether they or members of their families had any links with a wide range of illegal and political organisations .
7 Similarly , a rejecting parent may allow the child to behave as he or she likes .
8 She refused to collect any welfare benefits , saying that she was n't going to have DHSS snoopers visiting the caravan to see if she and Neil were sleeping together .
9 Where two or more trustees were originally appointed , any one can seek to resign if he and the others are of the opinion that it is no longer expedient to have that number of joint trustees ( r 6.126(4) ) .
10 But Gatting has disappointed hugely , contributing to his downfall in both innings — yesterday picking the wrong ball to sweep after he and Smith were threatening to rally England from 12 for two with a third wicket stand of 59 .
11 Dorothy Mitchum , his wife since 1940 , tried to get him to move away from the West Coast after eight years of marriage , but he did n't want to leave so she and the children left him to go and live in New York .
12 Each person in this cell has personal time allotted to use as he or she wants and this requires preparation and reflection beforehand .
13 I he person behind the conquering persona is allowed to emerge as he or she really is .
14 Indeed it is often the case that a powerful person is not necessarily somebody who is physically strong but will depend upon the extent to which that person can get others to do as he or she wishes .
15 If your interest in the past centres on some figure in particular from days gone by you could perhaps not do better than to consider whether he or she would make a detective , as the American writer Lilian de la Torre did with a series of short stories about Dr Sam Johnson , Detector .
16 There are various stereotype behavioural patterns that children in these families seem tend to adopt when one or other or both parents have primary addictive disease .
17 More wine was brought , an accordionist appeared from nowhere and everybody began to sing while she and Ludovico danced their first dance in the hastily cleared space in the middle of the floor .
18 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
19 The existing knowledge about the employee from inside the organization makes it easier to decide whether he or she is able to perform the work well .
20 Indeed , the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous advises the unsure newcomer to try a sensible drinking programme in order to assess whether he or she is alcoholic or not .
21 If you are sure that the mugger has no intention of attacking you , you may decide to stay until he or she grabs the loot and runs off ; or you may decide to turn and run as they bend down — either to safety or to the nearest available weapon .
22 Father Pat Buckley , from Larne in Northern Ireland , has been to Scotland on three occasions to tie the knot for couples whom the church refuses to marry because one or both have been divorced .
23 Yes , he 's recorded the song , and he 's asked us over here to make contact with you to see whether you and Basil …
24 The child was observed through a one-way screen to see whether he or she would resist or give in to temptation ( i.e. pick up the more attractive , but forbidden , toy ) .
25 I am writing to you , on behalf of a client of this firm , to enquire whether you and your fellow shareholders would consider disposing of your holdings in [ Company name ] Limited .
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