Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Giving very young children too much choice over when to get up , what to wear or what they eat for breakfast can be a recipe for disaster — acrimonious arguments , delays and tantrums .
2 ‘ You were quite right to come and what you 've told me may be important .
3 This sort of thing is going to increase and what we 're saying is beware .
4 A woman with big beautiful hands who smokes too much writes down my name and what she needs to know and what I need to tell , and another worker goes through the same routine with a serene and rather silent woman in her early thirties , with three children and two plastic bags containing toys and toiletries — the mark of a mother on the run , all you can grab in a quick getaway .
5 It divides into the critical parent , the judgemental voice in our heads , giving us instructions and punishment , how to behave and what we should do ; and the nurturing parent who cares for us , and meets our needs , supports , helps and educates .
6 The initial dialogue too , includes queries about when you wish to retire and what you require for breakfast .
7 Surely the needs of the members should come before the administrative easiness of putting people into sections for the Union and as I 've said who better to judge where they need to go and what their needs are than the members themselves .
8 It is very much up to individual groups to decide how long they want to go out , where they want to go and what they want to do , ’ said Mr Nelson .
9 Write a letter to its Publicity Department requesting a visit and stating what it is you want to see and what you are hoping to find out .
10 And what you will have to do , you will have to tell each other what you would like to buy or what you would think of .
11 The only difference between what Daniel had to endure and what my children have endured is that I am still alive and have plucked up the courage to divorce my husband .
12 Whatever they like bottom of the River Trent if you like but it would be very going off the subject and I 've only got a minute or two to spare but what someone pointed out to me that terrible monstrosity outside the Theatre Royal subway and every time I pass I fume inwardly .
13 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
14 ‘ Did you think , ’ his prosecution pressed him , ‘ that what you were doing , what you were being asked to do or what you had done might be wrong ? ’
15 I walked slowly back up the shabby road to this now miserable room , thinking all the while of what I ought to do or what I could do if I was ever going to outmanoeuvre these cunning poisoners .
16 At that stage in my life , I had had no real careers guidance and had very little idea of what I wanted to do or what I was capable of .
17 When you use this you are editing the event as you record it so you need to have a clear plan as to what you want to record and what you do n't .
18 As the Warriors moved on , the section commanders continued to tell their men over the vehicle briefing system what they were to do and what they should expect .
19 The tables on page 54 show what men have done , what they 'd like to do and what they have no intention of doing .
20 However , in both regimes there was a difference in what they aimed to do and what they actually achieved .
21 If a giant has come to town the children will allow you to have your council meeting to discuss what the townspeople should do about it , but what they really want to do and what they will learn most from is dealing with the giant .
22 The beliefs and ideas that organisations hold about who they are and what they are trying to do and what their environment is like have a much greater tendency to realise themselves than is usually believed .
23 ‘ We have to decide what we are going to do and what our approach will be . ’
24 She shut up and her mouth fell into a gape , the sweat appeared in globules on her upper lip , the colour deepened in her face and she seemed to have to force breath into her lungs as she listened to him now saying , ‘ You 'll not tell me any more what I 've got to do and what I have n't got to do .
25 I made a bad mistake on my second lot of commercials — for Skol — by letting myself be persuaded by other people against my own instincts , so from then on I was very firm about what I wanted to do and what I was prepared to do , and it 's made my life easy .
26 That there is a real disjunction between what the ideal institution ought to do and what it does can be seen in yet another attempt to describe the BBC as the ideal typical ‘ public service , institution .
27 This means that , before you begin to think about colours and the names of varieties , you have to be clear about what you would like to do and what it is possible to do , perhaps planting kinds and types about which you may have heard but are not familiar with and which would add variation and interest to your garden .
28 A duty is something black and white : once we know what it is that a body has a duty to do and what it actually did , we can say either that the authority has performed its duty or that it has not .
29 They do n't know what you intend to do and what you 've actually done .
30 and , and what you 're trying to do and what you hope to get out of it ,
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