Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] it does " in BNC.

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1 The compromise of an extendible lead gives him some freedom to wander but it does give rise to ‘ incidents ’ .
2 In this case and if the time constant RC also happens to equal the pulse duration τ Thus As anticipated , this integral is difficult to evaluate but it does reduce to the solution expected from chapter 4 of when when when Help with difficult inverse Fourier transforms is often available from special tables .
3 Hair removal can be a messy business , but Inverness now do a clever Roll-On Depilatory which is easy to apply and it does n't drip .
4 The rulebook states that a member has the right to appeal but it does n't say that they have the right to be told why they 've lost .
5 Depending on the circumstances and the provisions of the partnership agreement : ( 1 ) he may be justified in treating the service of an invalid expulsion notice as an event which in turn gives him the right to serve a similar notice ; or ( 2 ) he may ( not unreasonably ) be able to contend that the service of an invalid notice is such breach of good faith as to justify his seeking a dissolution of the firm ; or ( 3 ) he may be tempted to sue for damages , though these would be particularly difficult to quantify and it does not seem that the service of an invalid notice would be held to amount to a repudiatory breach of the partnership agreementsee Woodar Investment Development Ltd v Wimpey Construction UK Ltd [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 277. ( e ) Waiver of the right to expel Once circumstances exist which might justify the exercise of a power to expel , the partners should not delay bringing matters to a head .
6 So poems are elusive because you get the idea that actually working out your idea so it comes down on paper and it looks like a good poem and it says what you want to say and it does n't spoil the effect etcetera so you 've really captured your poem .
7 Drama school is n't going to teach anybody to act but it does give the vital techniques with which to act and gives you a chance to make mistakes , experiment and find out about yourself .
8 But we as crime prevention officers regularly meet with erm the newspaper people to say can you make sure your staff push them through the letter boxes and they assure us that the er , the next thing on their list to prioritize but it does n't happen .
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