Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Everything you need to know but have been too bashful to ask
2 Arfon Borough Council is keen to explore the possibility of leasing houses which owners are unable to sell or have been repossessed by building societies .
3 The court can make a s8 order of its own volition or on the application of any person who is entitled to apply or has been granted leave to do so ( s10(1) ) .
4 Like many women , I had not know what to expect and had been shocked at how little I had been told about the reality of giving birth .
5 When privatised , the new plc was required to improve the river and the water supply as it had been hoping to do and had been prevented from doing .
6 Most are women and children — the men either opted to stay behind to fight or have been captured by the Serbs .
7 4 million quid for a guy that almost went to jail and has been injured for most of the season
8 Peter Harris who has cancer had been told last month he only had weeks to live and has been staying in a hospice .
9 There 's some worry about something — either he 's not going to be able to do the work , someone 's going to laugh or has been laughing at him , he does n't think the teacher 's going to understand , and it 's generally a terrible problem first thing in the morning to get him to get ready and get to school .
10 One of them , the 22 year-old occupier , has been charged with supplying cannabis and possession with intent to supply and has been bailed to Wrexham Magistrate 's Court on July 14 .
11 She remembers that she had been knocking on doors for years to be given a chance to act and had been practically laughed out of town .
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