Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He took her arm and led her indoors whether she wanted to go or not and Jenna said nothing more .
2 Take a pair of binoculars with you so that when you spot surface activity in a distant area you can use them to confirm or otherwise that it is bream which are the cause .
3 We 've hardly managed to touch on prisons at all , or though , although , I know that we have amongst us hundred people who er , who are , are responsible for and er and have dedicated much time to working in prisons and I do n't know whether there is sufficient people here qualified to comment or not whether the prisons do a good job , so I 'll ask some one who 's bound to be a slightly partial Audrey , there 's only one women 's prison as some one said earlier , now your an ex-governor , now is that right ?
4 Sister Ignatia had said that Flora could n't know whether she wanted to come or not until she had had a sniff of the place , seen some of the other girls .
5 Come here to see me if you will ; mother asks you , and I want you , but it is for you to come or not as you feel best , or as you like .
6 And , that 's for stall holders and anybody that would like to come and along and offer their services of help .
7 Well I do n't want to do that any more cos you 've got to wait three damn weeks nearly for the blasted things to come and then if they 're no good you 've got to send them back .
8 Who is more mobile , it asked , the car-driving ‘ Herr Müller ’ who travels 58km daily in getting to work and back or the walking-cycling-bus-using ‘ Herr Schultz ’ who travels a shorter distance but manages to reach more destinations ?
9 It became increasingly influential during the 1970s , due partly to the decline of functionalism , partly to its promise to provide answers which functionalism failed to provide and partly because it was more in keeping with the tenor and mood of the times .
10 And I remember hearing a story , er erm it was just they 'd got an old farmer he had a field of hay , just ready to cart and just as they were getting the horses , it came down to rain and they were all sheltering in the barn , and the said , More rain , more rest .
11 He insisted that no one but he himself could decide whether he was going to drink or not and anyway , he had plenty of money , enough to buy all the drink in the bar if he wanted .
12 Julia closed her eyes , partly because that was a question she did not want to answer and partly because she thought it might help to stop her flinging her arms around his neck and saying , kiss me , oh please kiss me .
13 The crush bolt made a dragging , trailing sound across the floor , once to open and again as it closed .
14 The there are parish ministers who are willing to listen and long before it reaches the stage of lawyers and divorce .
15 Four years on , I advise customers what to install and how and when , and , I train their staff and demonstrate the products and … and …
16 He says this was partly due to counsel and partly because she was happy busying herself with her domestic duties .
17 Catholicism , for centuries , allied itself with conservative forces opposed to progress but now that elements within the church have come out in favour of change , they appear to be opting for a more socialist , rather than capitalist , line .
18 John Gorman says it 's good value for an international striker and he 's been given great support by the board to go and out and strengthen the side … he thinks Jan will help them in the premier league … ,
19 Er , first of all , I ensure that people are not de-counted unless they have er , wished to go and maybe that their their dwellings are er , in er a state of er , disrepair or there 's something structurally wrong that they feel unsafe er , in them and then er , they are , I do n't like the word de-counted , but then they er , are offered er other accommodation .
20 She knew she was deliberately goading him to anger and even as she did it she was annoyed with herself .
21 The ratchet , discussed earlier , is nearly always geared to profit and so if the managers take out too much in the early days , they may adversely affect their interests in the medium term .
22 More than 1,000 key buyers from the mid-west region of the United States have been invited to attend and more than 500 confirmations have already been made .
23 With all this it is rather slow to grow and frequently when the culture plate is examined for evidence of gonococcal growth it will be found to be overgrown by other bacteria or yeasts , making it difficult or impossible to identify the gonococcus .
24 Sanyo 's range of hand-held Dictation Systems are your ‘ pocket-sized P.A. ’ Easy to use and there when you want them .
25 It took Martin a long time to get to sleep and even when he did he turned and twisted in feverish attempts to escape the nightmarish pursuit of red , glaring eyes and enormous yellow teeth .
26 And that 's why he says to sleep and then if she could n't get to sleep she could like sit up tonight so he could get some sleep instead .
27 It is , however , easy to become anxious about applying the Technique in our day-to-day lives , even though we may have been shown what to do and even though we know that our ordinary sensory perception may be faulty .
28 You must know what he and Maria Luisa are planning to do and when and if they 're coming back .
29 But things turned out as they were bound to do and not as I expected ; there was a typically whole gastrula on my dish the next morning , differing only by its small size from a normal one ; and this small but whole gastrula developed into a whole and typical larva …
30 Er yeah well all , all those things er and I thought the , the diagram was marvellous and you sort of to start with you , you were thinking ahead to doing this diagram and you could see that that 's what you were waiting to do and then once you did it you were up and running .
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