Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun prp] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Various proposals have been made aimed at creating a legal framework to enable Afghanistan to revert essentially to its pre-1978 international status .
2 We are applying to list LASMO 's shares on the New York Stock Exchange in American Depositary Receipt [ ADR ] form , to facilitate dealing by US shareholders and to enable LASMO to access more readily a variety of capital market opportunities available to US listed companies .
3 Educators must attempt to encourage NCC to accept their ideas and ideals , and to encourage NCC to insist as far as possible that SEAC follows their lead .
4 At first , he expressed surprise at the colours Saska had picked for his new look — a sludgy , greyish-green suit by top Italian designer , Giorgio Armani , teamed with a dusty tobacco silk turtleneck and cardigan from Nicole Farhi , to encourage Yuri to break away from his preferred monochromes .
5 The crowd is entitled to expect Ipswich to do well at home .
6 As the Soviet army in Germany has to cross Poland to get home ( unless it goes by sea ) , the Poles have asked for compensation for the trouble this causes .
7 I slept with only one dream , exulting in the thought that if I could do this , why should n't I one day try to do something to help Clare to walk more easily ?
8 Moniba had fled from Liberia in September 1990 , after three months in hiding following attempts by him and others to persuade Doe to step down .
9 Although the girl 's sister Christie was now engaged to be married and their Uncle Nathan in Leeds had tried to persuade Sarah to take over as his housekeeper , Sarah had dug in her heels and refused the invitation .
10 She tried to persuade Katherine to apply there too .
11 From such comments as these one might infer that the British were anxious to buy time until the Soviets acquired sufficient nuclear power to persuade Washington to become more cautious .
12 Olivier turned it down flat and tried to persuade Vivien to do likewise .
13 This did , not prevent her from becoming engaged , in 1956 , to Edgar Lintot , who was about to leave Cambridge to take up a pre-registration post at St Michael 's Hospital in Lewisham .
14 Nevertheless , efforts were made to persuade Israel to accept back at least some of the refugees .
15 ‘ I 'm trying to persuade Miranda to come back with us to London , ’ began her father .
16 I managed to persuade Catherine to come in , but she insisted on sleeping in the kitchen , in case Heathcliff returned during the night .
17 It had not been hard to persuade Brian to come up with the fees for university .
18 Before returning to England he was asked to persuade Gladstone to come over for the 1878 Yale ‘ commencement ’ but he would plead in vain .
19 Frank Williams would n't reveal whether he had made last-ditch efforts to persuade Mansell to drive on .
20 ‘ And you 're convinced you will be able to persuade Suzie to go back to England ? ’
21 The reality is that Vietnam needs to leave Kampuchea to stave off economic disaster and to satisfy Mikhail Gorbachev .
22 In the context of the early 1940s ( Olivier 's film was conceived in 1941 before America had formally joined in the war ) this creation of an idealised Elizabethan past was particularly convenient for Britain trying to persuade America to participate wholeheartedly in the war effort for the preservation of civilisation against barbarism .
23 Armstrong urged Brook to persuade Attlee to announce simultaneously the abolition of a number of Cabinet committees .
24 A close friend of Elaine Blond , who was later to found the Blond McIndoe Centre for Medical Research , it was not too difficult to persuade McIndoe to help where the removal of a disfigurement , usually facial , could boost a patient 's confidence .
25 So while Gilbert tried to entice Bissell to talk further , and Bissell kept silent , still watching him across the room , Rohmer saw the promise in those night-black eyes … and he began to lay his own plans .
26 Legislators in the US are still deciding whether to permit Orion to go ahead .
27 President Roosevelt was re-elected in the United States of America , in November 1940 , for a further term of four years , so the ‘ lend-lease ’ arrangements were then undertaken to enable Britain to receive much needed supplies .
28 She wanted to see Timothy to explain personally why she had married Oswin .
29 JOHN PERMAN , the former depot manager at Charlton , has taken over responsibility for the primary distribution project from BOB PARLE to enable Bob to take up his new duties as departmental director , distribution operations , when Derek Graham retires in August .
30 He declined to take the Home Secretary 's advice to close down the Daily Herald , and declined also to allow Churchill to take over the BBC .
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