Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 The snow would certainly invade the tops of her boots when she stepped out of the car , and she swore softly in Ruthenian as she retrieved the groceries from the floor of the car and turned to carry them into the house .
2 From long experience Blanche knew it was pointless to confront most interviewees , foolish to drive them into a corner .
3 The Irishmen , if they had any cattle left , used to drive them into the street ; and they 'd carry on bargaining with the farmers under a street lamp ; and when the police came along they 'd move further on to another lamp until they 'd sold all their cattle . ’
4 There is equally little doubt that at this period , when the idea of tearing out ancient roots was still strange and terrifying to most people , some kind of cataclysmic force was still required to drive them into the unknown .
5 ‘ You seem determined to drive me into the arms of easier women , Meredith . ’
6 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
7 According to ICL , notebooks have two distinct uses : first , they are a user 's only or main machine — so , it must be possible to plug them into a local network , and they must have the functionality of a standard personal computer .
8 When transferring animals between cages it may be found easier to coax them into a bottle than to handle them .
9 Silver roused the others and began to coax them into the field .
10 She began to mince them into a fragrant green hill on the board in front of her .
11 Would it be best to pull them into the alley ?
12 SCIENTISTS on Orkney will today attempt to use sexual attraction to lead six male sperm whales to freedom by playing them female whale song to tempt them into the open sea .
13 You do have people from both sexes , of equal abilities and potential strengths , and it would be possible at that stage to have a training pool of people , which perhaps , er redress the balance , and perhaps er gradually have available many people , but you can only do that , if people come forward without skills that you need in order to train them into the jobs .
14 They all looked blowsy , lipsticky and desperate , locked in a fight with a life set to trample them into the barroom floor , a series of no-account boyfriends too free with their fists and guns , and an incipient obesity that would limit their later careers to shrill mother roles .
15 Crilly tries to coax me into the booth but I shrug out from under his arms and make an excuse about the family .
16 A crude summary of this political position would be that child care policies remove the children of the poor and attempt to absorb them into the middle class .
17 ‘ They tried to pull me into a scrum once and they invited me into the showers with them ’ — GAIL PARKER ( a lady referee ) on problems encountered when trying to control men .
18 England , too , came to realise his significance which is why , since the Carling-Guscott partnership began , they have tried somehow to work him into the side .
19 As his fame and fortune grew , she never became ostentatious and refused all his efforts to encourage her into a more luxurious life .
20 Or was he just trying to provoke her into an argument for the sheer hell of it ?
21 As she leaned into the car , the attacker grabbed her and tried to pull her into the vehicle .
22 One of my assets in journalism , as Fred Workman told me some years later , was the habit of creating stories and features by developing an idea and then taking the necessary steps to work it into an acceptable feature .
23 Now , somehow holding a piton with his useless hand , he had to hammer it into the rock with the other .
24 I just wonder what 's I last I heard they were the receiver was trying to pull it into the collapse but er
25 The headlamp picked out a cat streaking towards a wall , and a child without shoes between the shafts of a wooden cart , straining to pull it into an alleyway , and both images were gone in an instant , drowned in darkness as the bike sped past , the road a triangle of bright water as they rode the glittering breakers of the tramlines and swerved to the kerb of the Commercial Hotel .
26 Be able to make a load and strong enough to pitch it into the stack , that was the problem .
27 The aim of the three-to-seven-year leasing programme is to free 1,250 pubs from the brewers ' tie before the November deadline , rather than try to sell them into a depressed market .
28 ‘ We think that the products coming out of this factory are of such a standard and quality that there is a very good potential to sell them into the market , ’ he said .
29 Tory planners think the Labour party is talking up a May or June poll , trying to bounce them into an election while interest rates are still high .
30 They grow up unbalanced , and need only minor frustrations or the stimulus of pornography to tip them into an orgy of violence against women and girls .
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