Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 that 's better really , and we surely do n't want to lose them do we ?
2 Oh it 's obvious that safety 's involved , I think that er it 's also er road use because er if people take a long time er going forwards and back trying to get into a space to park because they do n't have the basic skills to enable them to do it , then it 's frustrating for other motorists , and obviously accidents can be caused .
3 In practice if there are beneficiaries who are capable of being consulted , it 's likely that one will say to those beneficiaries Right we need to raise some money , there 's only the shares to do it with , we 're proposing to sell them do you agree with that or would you prefer to have the shares and gives us some money ?
4 Then we had to shoot them do you see .
5 And then the job was on the following days was after be shooting rabbits to feed them do you see .
6 Do n't know what it is , do n't need to open it do we ?
7 And I think that 's a very good point , because you 're actually i the what you 've actually said is , You 're entitled to training to enable you to do you job competently .
8 ‘ I want to see you do it .
9 he wants to see you doing it the other way as well
10 The preceding text contains a simple message : parents take action to solve behaviour problems ; professionals take action to help them do it .
11 — Even sent somebody round to help me do it . ’
12 You 're under orders to help me do it .
13 Never used to buy them did he ?
14 It 's a crime to let them do it , a bloody crime . ’
15 What sort of build-up d' ya want to give me d' ya want people to have of you .
16 We ai n't bothered to put them did you ?
17 Whether I ought to let you do it to me . ’
18 I 'm not going to let her do it . ’
19 I guess he did n't trust us to let him do it from the nick .
20 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
21 But I was n't that clever , Alice , because I had to let him do it to me before , instead of after .
22 Elvis had travelled back to the dawn of mankind and persuaded God to let him do it his way .
23 to do they did mine for fifteen quid !
24 I mean , ee , they do n't explain to you how they 're going to do it do they ?
25 Yeah cos no fucking no one wants to do it do they ?
26 Oh he wanted to do it did he ?
27 We now had to create a manufacturing improvement strategy to let us do it .
28 A customer from somewhere in England , where they used to hunt them do you see .
29 Scarlet was beginning to believe she did it for reasons of her own , proselytizing for converts so as not to feel so lonely , so as to feel assured of the validity of her views , surrounded by like-minded people .
30 ‘ I rather hope I may get those concerned to invite me to do you in the Authors and their Work series — though I have n't done anything about it — I might then like to quote a bit or two out of a letter ( e.g. about Ivy ) , but I devoutly hope you will be able to censor the thing for yourself ’ — for there was still hope , or I was allowed to think so .
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