Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Buchanan had to hit them and push them to the top of the rock .
2 They went over to greet them and gather details of the events on Sunday when they were said to have ringed the churchyard and exacted an oath against the Act from all the gentlemen in the congregation .
3 An officer on foot will often spend a whole shift without doing any police work , and without talking to anyone except to greet them and provide simple information …
4 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
5 Anna refused to see them but let Constanza meet their boys and girls and go down to their houses in the country .
6 Dad and Eva would come back late , and I 'd get up to see them and hear , as they undressed , who 'd said what to whom about the latest play , or novel , or sex-scandal .
7 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
8 I remember when the Andy Warhol lot came with Pork to The Roundhouse — we all went off specially to see them and meet them afterwards . ’
9 Those on the sidelines tried not to see them or know about them , but it was difficult .
10 I had to admit , I did feel good for a moment or two psychologically speaking , but when I stood up to finish tidying my room I began to feel rather ashamed , even though no one had been here to see me or hear me .
11 He did n't want to see me or talk to me , he or his parents .
12 You come to see me and sit there and say nowt .
13 I do n't want people to see me and talk about me .
14 If the huts are relatively few and insubstantial , then the best solution will be to demolish them and reinstate the gardens and grounds .
15 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
16 And what he used to do in this , he had a string in the and er he could the string put some some er crumbs in the in the er in a and the birds go in and he used to he used to catch them and we used to kill them and pluck them you know .
17 Using a cream gives time for the hydrogen peroxide to be in contact with the bacteria in order to kill them or inhibit their division .
18 ‘ But I would like to thank them and let them know how very grateful I am and how much it helps to know his grave is being cared for . ’
19 More topically Smith drives home the absurdity of the present British water industry installing meters in households and then setting up a huge bureaucracy to monitor them and gather payment — a move that will make water much more expensive ( and thus more attractive to the private companies which will eventually provide it ) .
20 the City Council 's remains as efficient as possible , and erm most all the posts that we have at present , we believe are necessary , but we do continue to monitor them and see whether it is necessary to continue to employ all the people that we are employing at the moment .
21 She had been tempted to banish them and forbid all visits , but they would n't be intimidated .
22 I was glad of Ika 's presence to support me and supplement my responses :
23 Their company seemed to drain me and send me into a state of nervous exhaustion after even a short while .
24 You see traditionally people used to think of an evaluation as something that was very convergent and first people gathered lots of evidence , and then they wrote a set of recommendations or conclusions , and you were supposed to agree them or follow them afterwards .
25 Although such findings are not in dispute , and of course are rarely undertaken in areas where public antagonism to the institution is known to run high , there is continual pressure to replicate them and repeat the consoling message .
26 You want to psycho-analyse me and send me home with all my little idiosyncrasies ironed out ! ’
27 The SAS and LBS have been subject to a process known as ‘ Barnardisation ’ , in order to blur them and make sure that individuals or households can not be identified .
28 In Africa visitors are looked upon as a blessing and people go out of their way to meet them and make them feel truly welcome and at home .
29 Whereas here , you 're still very busy , but er you have the membership just on your doorstep and you can get to meet them and know them a lot closer than you would when you 're having er a large volume of people filing through your doors in the city centre .
30 Gust of warmth , beer and music rushing out to meet them and suck them in towards the bar .
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