Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [pron] he " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he had believed he was to go with the main reconnaissance party , and having written his last letter did not like to write to me again to cause me what he thought would be further confusion and anxiety .
2 There was every possible opportunity and we discussed it ; he was keen but not importunate , which naturally made me love him more and be more inclined to give him what he was so sweetly not insisting on , but something held me back .
3 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
4 I do not want to give him everything he wants , but I must .
5 It does not say that the Spirit or the Son begs the Father to give us what he otherwise might not .
6 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
7 Or had all his compliments and charm , so convincing at the time , been just a charade to get him what he wanted ?
8 She could n't help thinking how different he was from Giles , who had never missed an opportunity to pressure her , using compliments and charm like velvet hammers in an effort to get him what he wanted .
9 He began on a new plan and Endill tried to ask him what he was up to but every time he approached , Mould shouted ,
10 I asked Ulu Grosbard , who knew Nichols , to ask him what he felt about me : ‘ I think he feels he has made a mistake .
11 ‘ I 'll be very nervous but I want to ask him what he eats for breakfast .
12 I tried to ask him what he was talking about , but — ’
13 My acupuncturist told me about the broad-leafed veg , and I did n't think to ask him what he was on about .
14 We ventured to ask him what he was writing , and he replied that the trouble with being a publisher was that one was so absorbed in other people 's books as to have insufficient time and energy to devote to one 's own .
15 When finally a small boy was sent to ask him what he was up to , he replied : ‘ Here I am building the biggest , the best kiln Hua Xian has ever seen ’ .
16 Luce was about to ask him what he meant , when she recalled him saying his father 's marriage had been arranged , and had n't proved a happy one , and bit her tongue .
17 He was so forceful and dogmatic in his ideas that the Girls would be embarrassed at band calls when he interrupted acts , totally unknown to him , to tell them what he thought was wrong .
18 In some cases , where the childhood has been unhappy or deprived , there is no such happy occasion to build upon ; in such instances I start by asking the patient to tell me what he could see as he lay in bed at night — this often brings its own feelings of security to even the unhappiest child .
19 Perhaps I will begin by asking him to tell me what he is wearing , what his hair is like , whether his skin seems to be that of someone who is young or of an older person .
20 Méli disliked silence , and in a moment he began to tell me what he knew about Conchis .
21 The Minister will have to tell me what he will discuss with the trade unions .
22 My father claims that he cut the animal open and found my tiny genitals in its stomach , but I never did get him to tell me what he did with them .
23 Gene was always glad to show you anything he could , no secrets .
24 Gene was always glad to show you anything he could , no secrets .
25 ‘ Would you like me to tell you what he said ? ’
26 Are you denying this man 's right to tell you what he believes is true ?
27 Either way , keep it simple and get the client to tell you what he thinks .
28 He was climbing on the barrier so he came to go back into the room to tell you what he was doing when Dale fell . ’
29 Murder was to make him something he had always suspected he might be , but had never dreamed of becoming — interesting .
30 I do n't want readers getting the wrong idea about this letter , but the compulsion to write came on seeing people like Jeff Young , who thinks I Should Be So Lucky is a good song ( well , it probably is , if you 're 10 years old ) ; Norman Jay , who does n't want bands to get in touch if all they want is a record deal ; Mick Clarke , who ‘ wants people to tell him what he 's listening to is good ’ , then only signs people he likes , etc .
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