Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] life " in BNC.

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1 Loretta and Bridget stood up to join him , bending and stretching their cramped legs to restore them to life .
2 To make a character worse than oneself it is only necessary to release imaginatively from control some of the bad passions which , in real life , are always straining at the leash ; the Satan , the Iago , the Becky Sharp , within each of us , is always there and only too ready , the moment the leash is slipped , to come out and have in our books that holiday we try to deny them in life .
3 It all started out as a silly student prank , but it was to mark me for life .
4 I was introduced to Punch at the age of 12 , grew up on Basil Boothroyd and have relied on my weekly ‘ fix ’ to get me through life 's crises over the past 47 years — including moving house six times , several bereavements , liquidation ( yes , me too ! ! ) , my daughter 's attempted suicide and my recent divorce .
5 Before the Christmas rinds had been thrown to the pigs , Osbern of Eu had gone , in one of Thorfinn 's remaining ships , and twenty men with him , in seas as ready to rob them of life as the war they were joining in Normandy .
6 He has an analyst to advise him on life .
7 For the most delicate lake systems of Sweden and Norway even a 100 per cent reduction in deposition is not expected to return them to life ; 3–7 per cent of the lakes in Norway 's 1,000 lake study are in this super-sensitive category with a ‘ zero alkalinity ’ at 100 per cent reduction , and will require liming .
8 Though crippled , he managed to give any woman in his presence the conviction that she was delicate , helpless , and ultra-decorative , and could rely on him to shelter her from life 's cruel blows .
9 No bad way , Spruce reflected , to prepare them for life in the modem , dangerous world .
10 as if waiting for a command to bring them to life , Trent thought .
11 The recordings of the stories use an interesting variety of voices and sound effects to bring them to life .
12 Instead it plays with the ‘ death of reading ’ , for novels have always relied on the reader to bring them to life .
13 The kinds of worlds that can be created are limited only by the multimedia software designed to generate them and the computer processing power available to bring them to life .
14 You 've got ta let new birth within you allow God to bring you to life , to new life .
15 The cub became so domesticated he had to be put through a special programme to prepare him for life in his natural habitat .
16 Alternatively , the choreographer may be inspired by a piece of music and wish to bring it to life in dance ( see page 41 ) .
17 The rain returned in earnest and , for all the skill and craft of Valdo , Alemao and the rest , the evening desperately needed an explosion from Careca or Romario near goal to bring it to life .
18 The kitchen , which Mungo had only ever seen full of people , seemed incomplete ; waiting for human activity to bring it to life .
19 Once the basic idea for the advertisement has been agreed , it falls to the art director , in consultation with the writer , to bring it to life visually in commercials , advertisements , and printed material such as brochures and leaflets , and point of sale — material , which are show cards and other items for display actually in the stores .
20 The world may be shriveling around you but you are doing your bit to bring it to life again .
21 While her body , like a desert longing for rain to bring it to life , switched to hold and waited for him to fulfil his promise of delight .
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