Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
2 ‘ Are you using Fergus 's sacrifice to compel me to take his place ? ’ said Taliesin suddenly .
3 Forcing his useless legs to work he made his way to the bridge , awkwardly at first , hobbling , as if in some grotesque mimicry of his wife , then with more confidence as the blood began to flow , his muscles come alive again .
4 WHEN Kevin Cole drives to work he leaves his new Metro GTi behind and takes his wife 's Peugeot 205 diesel .
5 It was agreed that sister would ask the district nurse to visit him to assess his mobility at home and give him help initially to bath .
6 But the face of the new usherette he had just engaged to replace her rapped his conscience like a dentist 's probe on a decayed tooth .
7 Its members , led by a former Scottish Office minister , Sir Russell Fairgrieve , will seek a meeting with Mr Lang to urge him to exercise his influence in the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers for Scottish MEPs to be elected by PR , which could dramatically affect Labour 's dominant position in seven out of the eight European seats .
8 I noticed that when Pyke was about to talk he put his head thoughtfully to one side and looked away into the distance .
9 Now detectives in the Irish Republic are reported as saying that members of the gang that kidnapped Nairac , have offered to help them find his body in return for immunity from prosecution .
10 He is also in Year 10 , due to the costs of schooling , so I would like to help his to continue his education .
11 ‘ I do n't even want to hear you saying his name again , especially that ridiculous abbreviation you keep using .
12 Major Gregg Donahue ( Marshall Thompson ) takes a Vietnamese guide to help him locate his younger brother , a doctor who is being held captive by the Viet Cong at an old French fort .
13 He has hired consultants to help him conduct his appeal .
14 Learn the correct methods of handling and positioning the patient to help him control his spasticity .
15 Now he is appealing for sponsorship to help him meet his expenses .
16 There are lots of fluids out there , they are there for the embalmer to increase his expertise and to help him make his cases better , the chemical companies give technical support and do a lot of research into their products .
17 He had difficulty sleeping and sometimes would call out in the night for me to help him light his pipe .
18 In his valley the ploughing 's started and , because his family 's small , no one could be spared to come with him to help him fetch his wood and water — and although the water 's nearby , the firewood 's half a day away .
19 The Profitboss trusts the experts to lend their expertise to help him reach his profit-making goals .
20 She was able to help him share his anxiety about the risk of moving , and this made it more manageable .
21 On the village green is a stone block said to have been placed there by a local lord of short stature , to help him mount his horse .
22 The resource person is able to suggest a more precise and expressive use of vocabulary and structure to help him to make his speech more idiomatic and bring it closer to the native speaker 's use of the language .
23 If we 're to help him get his magic back I 'm going to need to know just what he 's been up to .
24 Once we had worked together to help him regain his faith , he was able to go on to play just as well as he had done before ; indeed , now that he had remembered the feeling of success , he was able to play even better .
25 Following the cosy deal in which Reed bought Travel Information Group from Mr Murdoch to help him alleviate his debt problems , the two have gone their separate ways to strengthen their competing US businesses .
26 These grass-smoking disciples flocked to his open house like moths to hear him reciting his life story , or his predictions with the tarot cards , or discussing Camus , or analysing Jean-Paul Sartre .
27 Collectors would give anything for the chance to hear him project his art to us from the clarity of a recording studio .
28 He might be pretending to help her to save his face in front of Katarina and perhaps to impress her with his kindness .
29 If she has any problems in her relationship with the man you married , she should feel able to talk about these privately with you , knowing that because you love them both you are prepared to accept her negative feelings , and to try to help her to understand his personality and attitudes better , in the light of your knowledge of him , his family , his upbringing , and the events that have shaped his life .
30 In chapter 27 , when Jacob steals his blessing , the writer goes to great lengths , as we have indicated already , to evoke our sympathy for Esau , and to help us share his anguish .
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