Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 We have found in the past that visitors have been most appreciative of the efforts made to inform them and have also been most complimentary on what they have seen .
2 A search involving four lifeboats , an RAF and a police helicopter failed to find him and has been called off , police said .
3 He had started to caress her and had been enough in control to ask questions .
4 There would probably be no need to transfer substantial assets of the business into the new company and the appropriate step might be to allocate part of the solicitors ' clientele to the company partner to establish it as having a regular practice .
5 Vincent had put in a request to visit her and had been refused .
6 Cleveland Coroner Michael Sheffield said Mr Owens may have been startled by a car swerving to avoid him and had stepped into the path of the van .
7 Stated I had done report to justify it and had the expenditure approved — not my fault .
8 Oh , you might be careful to plumb that machine in correctly , to use only the right powder in the right quantity , never to overload it and to have it serviced regularly .
9 He neglected all his duties and so there was nothing for it , either we had to wipe him off as a son , which is an impossible thing for a parent to do , or we had to decide the only other course open to us which was to kidnap him and have him de-programmed .
10 After the liberation he saw that she escaped her brother 's clutches and got to Rome with enough money to keep her and have the baby safely .
11 It was Lou — frantic , almost incoherent , reporting that Rick had vanished along with his passport , that the police had been to see her and had asked hundreds of questions .
12 To describe them as having a ‘ positive lifestyle ’ is laughable considering the laws they break and the havoc they cause .
13 It should also be recognised that while this chapter has stressed the view of language as a process , it is nevertheless the case that , at some point , children do reach a level of mastery where it makes sense to describe them as having acquired knowledge of an abstract set of rules which can be used to express meanings .
14 Now if you 'd like to call us and have a chat on the air Nottingham three four three four three four is the number to ring .
15 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
16 Erm , now it did cross my mind , that it would be nice just to see it and have a talk and a demonstration , but I think our meetings are too big really for that sort of demonstration , I wonder if we could have it at the handicraft afternoon .
17 While the parent company in a multinational group will necessarily be registered in a particular country and the group headquarters and a preponderance of shareholders may also be located there , in the case of some multinationals it is scarcely any longer appropriate to regard them as having national loyalties .
18 The acquiescence by the religions derived from the various ancient scriptures in the ugly acts of war , revenge and violence is sufficient in itself to condemn them as having degenerated beyond redemption , and to be justifiably rejected .
19 It suited the more militant and ambitious New English to portray them as having Irish sympathies and having gone native .
20 For others to regard you as having status , you have to be able to communicate it .
21 He 'd agreed to ring her and had omitted to leave a phone number .
22 Lord Wilberforce considered ( at pp986 and 987 ) that there were two possible interpretations to the section : The first is to regard it as having a limited effect ; to be directed against persons who transfer assets abroad ; who by means of such transfers avoid tax , and who yet manage when resident in the United Kingdom to obtain or to be in a position to obtain benefits from those assets .
23 He tried to tug it but had no leverage .
24 There are such men in this city , and even to see them , never mind to touch them or have them kiss you , or see them just before dawn , or to have them as one of your dear friends , is one of the great pleasures of our life , and it is commoner than most people think .
25 I mean to me the boss of of our bench , there was probably twenty people on the bench , to me the boss of that it was n't what you call a particularly good job but she 'd always worked at the and of course when when went on War work er th those that were still there they got the better jobs you see , to organize us that had n't been , worked there before .
26 ‘ Bertie has been over to see us and has driven the car fitted with the engine management system he used in Donegal and the one that was fitted for the Ulster Rally .
27 Hugo looked even more tired and strained than he had earlier , Harriet thought , and Sally was edgy and preoccupied though she seemed greatly relieved when Hugo told her that the insurance investigator , Tom O'Neill , had seemed satisfied with what he had been able to tell him and had not expressed any desire for a further interview or the need to come to the house to speak to Sally .
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