Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] had be " in BNC.

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1 France had also opposed the imposition of tighter controls on the ownership of guns , on the grounds that the right to bear arms had been incorporated into the Constitution drawn up after the 1789 revolution-although it had also demanded the right to suspend the travel rights enshrined in the Schengen agreement in cases of emergency ( for earlier disagreements see p. 36154 ) .
2 The minimum threshold for parties to win seats had been raised since the 1988 election from 1 to 1.5 per cent of the vote .
3 The projected new prison had been cancelled , no agreement had been reached on the location of a pre-trial detention centre , and the movement of prisoners from prisons in Washington DC to free spaces had been outweighed by the overall increase in the number of inmates .
4 Although officials stressed that the decision to extend negotiations had been anticipated in a draft accord , submitted by GATT 's Director-General Arthur Dunkel on Dec. 20 , it was understood that the EC had expressed fierce opposition to Dunkel 's latest proposals to cut internal price supports by 20 per cent , to reduce export subsidies by 36 per cent and to trim the volume of subsidized farm exports by 24 per cent .
5 This pledge to disarm civilians had been formalized with the establishment of the broad-based National Security Commission , set up on Aug. 29 with its own armed 150-strong Special Disarmament Brigade .
6 Airtours also denied that its decision to review tariffs had been prompted by Thomson .
7 Indeed , in Scotland Westminster 's power to cap councils had been less powerful , but that will now change .
8 The promises to cut taxes had been brushed to one side , but it was unlikely that the government would wish to fight the next election against a background of undertakings that would entail their actually being increased .
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