Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 er and in any , in any event there are a number of things I tend to miss altogether if I want to er keep to timetable which I and I , I 'm sure you 're , all the , the audience or group or whatever you like to call it that will welcome an extension of the talk .
2 As it turned out , most roads were fine , but there were dire warnings from the traffic organisations to drive only if your journey was strictly necessary .
3 Nanny and rotten news seem to go together if you ask me .
4 It was perfectly clear to everyone that the company could carry on enough trade to flourish only if it supplemented its income by bringing in more goods than its treaty permitted , and the smuggling trade became large enough to disturb the Spanish authorities .
5 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
6 In fact it is everything a manager needs to know so if you are bucking for promotion you need this disk .
7 But he certainly was n't the man to have in the driving seat on the union side when both management and workers were striving for the sheer survival of the company , and needed to work together if they were to pull through .
8 The other would allow the smart to inherit the Earth ( plus a legacy from their wealthy parents ) and console us with the exhortation to work harder if we want more , which goes down like a glass of sand in the unemployment deserts .
9 Thus when direct taxes are increased , they reduce people 's net incomes — the income effect — with the result that people have to work harder if they want to maintain , let alone improve , their standard of living .
10 Do not use visual aids for the sake of using them and do not use them as a defence to hide behind if you are nervous .
11 The asset is likely to be replaced with a technologically superior asset and as such the replacement cost of the asset held will be difficult to establish even if it was still appropriate .
12 His nationalisation and fury at British exploitation made it impossible for him to compromise even if it was clear that this policies were self-destructive .
13 ( We only asked them to comment here if it did not meet expectations — either they all had low expectations or the conference was a high standard . )
14 I ca n't have meant to come here if it 's private property . ’
15 Young Seb is on his way — and I 'll have to work hard if I 'm to keep up with him . ’
16 These teachers are telling us that you 've got to work hard if you want a good job but there 's no jobs there anyway .
17 She did n't see why people were supposed to work hard if you ground their noses ; it seemed more likely that they 'd work hard if you promised to grind their noses if they did n't .
18 Part-time employment was often the only paid employment they could find , while others had little choice but to work part-time if they were to fulfil their changing domestic commitments .
19 Publicans whose premises backed on the harbour were interviewed and , over local radio , people were being asked to come forward if they had been in the neighbourhood the night before , especially those who had used the car-park .
20 Peter Clark is appealing for his daughter 's clients , friends and associates to come forward if they have even the smallest amount of information .
21 Police are asking for any witnesses to come forward if they saw suspicious activity near the garage at any time on Saturday night .
22 Once it has been led farther and farther away from the nest by the parent bird , it will have difficulty in rediscovering the position of the nest and will , in all probability , set off to search elsewhere if it fails to make a killing .
23 ‘ That 's so 's you do n't have to go outside if you wants to go to the toilet , ’ he explained .
24 The aim of the Thatcherite reforms to the public services is said to be to give consumers the power to go elsewhere if they are not satisfied .
25 There have been dozens , perhaps hundreds of novels , however , written about the great mysteries of crime from the Constance Kent case of the 1860s to the Wallace trial ( The Was-there-a-Mr-Qualtrough case ) of 1931 to the mystery of who killed the Princes in the Tower , a subject to choose only if you think you can beat the redoubtable Josephine Tey at her own game in her classic The Daughter of Time .
26 They were asked to participate only if they had no history of gastrointestinal diseases or abdominal surgery other than appendectomy , and if they had no symptoms that could be attributed to gastrintestinal motility disorders .
27 And here , we began to wonder aloud if it would n't be preferable , in the long term interests of America 's domestic car makers , to leave the planned invasion of Europe to MPVs , luxury cars and convertibles .
28 It may help people to drink more if you measure out this amount into a stock of glasses or cups , so that they can see for themselves how much this means .
29 It would be dangerous to supply too much to South Korea since Rhee could not be trusted to behave responsibly if he possessed powerful forces .
30 In order that transfer can take place in a manner which allows colleges to progress rapidly if they wish , but at the same time make allowances for those who prefer to proceed more slowly , each college is being consulted on the rate of transfer appropriate for each course offered .
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