Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In order to channel most effectively the social security funds then available to individuals to enter residential care , the benefit would no longer be paid direct to the individual .
2 Instead it involves a shift in function in an interactional category , and it is exactly here — in the interactions between individuals — that we would expect to see most clearly the results of inter-ethnic contact .
3 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
4 Or is each to remain stubbornly not a piece of a jigsaw puzzle , but in its own watertight compartment , as shown in this diagram ?
5 Thus it becomes clearer why the Law Society is anxious to distinguish between professional services and business , to promote so vigorously an altruistic conception of the lawyer/client relationship .
6 Where is the scientific evidence to support so wide an onslaught ?
7 The initial intake to English was large — so large in fact as to require organisation in two parallel classes and to strain rather seriously the initially slender staffing position .
8 The typical pattern was for the local parties to meet only once a year in 1915 and 1916 , to re-elect their officers for another year ; agents who had enlisted were kept on the books by retaining half their normal pay , to compensate them for loss of earnings in the national interest and to keep them available for a resumption of partisanship .
9 I dare say that is why you were induced to accept so low a wage . ’
10 The more products , the higher number of prospects will be interested , although a balance has to be struck so as not to provide so wide a range as to make it confusing .
11 It was a considerable achievement for a society to pour so much milk , so much orange juice , so many vitamins down the throats of its children , for the height and weight of those children to outstrip so fast the measurements of only a decade before .
12 Anything at all that hinders or prevents the energy factory from doing its job throws a plant into a lower gear , and it has to work so much the harder to make progress .
13 Nevertheless , on the material before the court , it was not necessary to impose so long a term of imprisonment .
14 He only got started to work just about a couple of years before the war .
15 How you going to know exactly where the boundaries go or i in between some land-lock countries that you got it in the right position
16 We wanted to know exactly how the final garment evolved .
17 In fact , whatever else it may be , Lighthouses is a cornucopia of virtuoso orchestral effects , a continuously shifting , shimmering kaleidoscope of sonority by a composer who seems to know just about every effect in the book , plus many he 's discovered for himself , and who knows just how to use them .
18 The style was Gothic and followed ‘ the best traditions of mediaeval church architecture , but to meet more advantageously the requirements of Protestant worship the nave is kept broader and shorter ’ .
19 Now , ’ Thiercelin took out notebook and pencil , ‘ just as a matter of routine , might I ask you to relate once again the circumstances of Herr Hamnett 's business with you ? ’
20 The current moves to encourage still further the provision of private occupational-pensions in preference to state schemes may serve only to emphasize the inequalities between some elderly people who are supported by one or even two occupational pensions , and those , particularly widows , who have only their state pension .
21 The revolutions in Eastern Europe in 1989 have secured freedom of speech and may cause the UK to slip further down the league table .
22 In this chapter , the discussion is concerned with how the Government 's privatization measures , together with the sale of council houses and the change in the relative prices of different forms of capital assets , interact to isolate still further the underclass .
23 The attempt of the Chandra Shekhar ( S ) faction of Janata Dal to continue its minority government , in office since November 1990 [ see p. 37854 ] , ended on March 6 when Shekhar resigned , unwilling to meet any longer the political price demanded by Rajiv Gandhi 's Congress ( I ) party for its parliamentary support .
24 They were made to write home once a week , proudly enclosing copies of their glowing write-ups from the newspapers , hoping that a neighbour could be found to help out with any reading difficulties .
25 In the interests of maintaining objectivity it is always helpful to keep these two kinds of information distinct and to indicate clearly how an interpretation is derived from the evidence presented .
26 We try to indicate qualitatively however the possible influence of differences in tastes .
27 Let us suppose that in fact there are not more than 600 quarters , the holders of which are willing to accept as low a price as 35s. ; but that holders of another hundred would be tempted by 36s. ; and holders of yet another three hundred by 37s .
28 In contrast to the functionalist , then , who sees the capacity of the human being to communicate as simply a vehicle for the ‘ activation ’ of imposed cultural rules , for the action theorist this capacity is the essential creative ingredient in social life .
29 The aim is to attract as wide a range of uses as possible to make the theatre a bigger part of the Tewkesbury Community .
30 The local authorities need to know now how the standard spending assessments will be calculated so that they can make definite financial plans .
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