Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] give " in BNC.

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1 The confidence that often comes with maturity can help us to voice our sexual preferences to our partners in a way which we may have been inhibited about in the past , and the ability to communicate sexual needs gives a good foundation for a satisfying relationship .
2 Our own experiments with people 's ability to juggle credit-cost options give no reason to expect different results here .
3 Every independent committee of experts which has considered the subject has recognised the need to require public authorities to give reasons ( the current position in Australia , Israel and the United States , as well as under European Community law ) .
4 The British approach of refusing to assert positive rights gives freedom no weapons with which to retaliate .
5 Because there is pressure on departments in humanistic subjects to appear up to date and efficient , it is much easier to persuade funding bodies to give money for computers and software than to buy manuscripts , rare books , or second and third copies of frequently used library texts .
6 More recently , we have learned how to use electromagnetic fields to give particles energies of at first millions and then thousands of millions of electron volts .
7 My secretary , Judy Fella , had used her not inconsiderable charm to persuade British Airways to give herself and me free seats on a Concorde as a publicity venture .
8 ( d ) Unsuccessful attempts to persuade other teachers to give up a reserve lesson in order to supervise the library .
9 Company relocation policies generally provide tax-free disturbance allowances and employees are therefore usually asked to keep appropriate receipts to give to the Inland Revenue or their employers .
10 to describe civil servants giving evidence to a committee as being " -paralysed with caution . "
11 New age travellers have lost their battle to force local councils to give them camp sites .
12 The next step is to offer additional techniques to give a family space to explore the way the patterns of past relationships affect the problems , and decisions made in the present .
13 Another device was to bake sweet-scented cakes to give to the horse as tit-bits :
14 To claim crop and livestock payments , farmers have to complete special forms giving highly detailed information and , in some cases , extremely accurate maps to support claims .
15 Once this has been done it is possible to make single-frequency readings to give quantitative concentrations of constituents of a mixture .
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