Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's going to remain dry but dull the temperature only rising to seven Celsius forty five Fahrenheit so it will feel chilly in the easterly breeze .
2 Here , the English Tourist Board and the local authority decided the magnificent fifteenth-century castle , if it was to remain intact and open to the public , would not find a purchaser without permission for development .
3 Sales fell 9.8% to $5,440m , and Bull blames the world economic slowdown , price wars in the personal computer market segment and the effects of structural changes in the industry — but those problems also affected Hewlett-Packard Co , ICL Plc and NCR Corp , all of which managed to remain profitable and to grow in 1991 .
4 We do not wish to perform poorly or to undercut our objectives .
5 This makes it difficult for a murder to go unrecognised and discourages those planning murders .
6 ‘ I 'm sorry ; I did n't mean to fall asleep and use you as a pillow . ’
7 If a link exists between body temperature and the sensation of fatigue , then it is reasonable to enquire if the abilities to fall asleep and remain asleep are also related to body temperature .
8 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
9 It will inevitably take some time before the full benefits of our strategy are realised and , whilst we expect our production and cash flow to remain strong and rise over the next few years , profitability in the short term is likely to remain depressed , even with contributions from disposals .
10 Louis Libaude and William Kundig also purchased paintings and finally a banker named Schenemayer hurried over to see Zborowski and bought six portraits for four thousand francs without even bothering to look at them .
11 One of 'em came back to see Stubbly and asked after you .
12 The action took her by surprise , and at first she told herself to remain calm and to take the kiss in the spirit it was being given , which was merely a making up between friends after cross words .
13 She pulled it frantically to no avail , then forced herself to remain calm and sat up .
14 He had spent three weeks since his wedding trying to remain calm and continue his studies , but with the disturbing picture of Tess always in his mind .
15 We have a range of initiatives which are designed to promote owner-occupation and to widen choice for tenants .
16 ‘ She might have gone up to see Angy and found Delia Forbes there … ’
17 Unionist MP David Trimble has written to the Heritage Secretary seeking his help in persuading Channel 4 to go public and concede it was conned into broadcasting the highly controversial allegations in its Dispatches programme in 1991 .
18 These figures were revealed when Korn/Ferry decided to go public and sell 25% of their equity to outsiders ; but when the stock price fell soon after , they took fright and bought their shares back .
19 The pins are designed to give way under pressure , allowing damaged engines to fall free and avoid wrecking the aircraft .
20 Social attitudes have changed towards women , organisations need to appear progressive and support equal opportunities , eg women 's economic power .
21 Inert , mute , untouchable , she seemed uncanny and prodigious to Rosa , who wanted her to protest the hectic fury all around her , to come alive and give a sign , as , below her , the volunteers hauling the lumbering shrine on their backs on poles criss-crossed and tethered grew more obstreperous and howled and the crowd pressed up and obstructed their laborious way ahead ; after three turns around the piazza they at last reached the platform in the middle , only a little distance from the Duomo they had left , and the sweat-streaked bearers put down the skewed tower on which the Madonna stood , and tumbled to their knees .
22 I held her , trying to appear calm and composed on the outside , a shaking wreck on the inside .
23 She had to appear calm and justified in arresting him .
24 The boy managed to struggle free and ran off unharmed … the prowler escaped .
25 It incorporates a separate fly sheet which can be removed during the day to increase light and help keep the dome cool but he refitted in seconds when night falls .
26 ‘ The hospital is quite adamant that it is not our policy to encourage smoking or allow cigarettes to be sold ’ .
27 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
28 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
29 The 65-year-old driver , who was able to jump clear and shout a warning , escaped with a broken leg .
30 Whitaker 's partner slipped while turning tight into the penultimate fence , but the horse managed to jump clear and win from Emma-Jane Mac on Everest Oyster .
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