Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Customer growth is the name of the game — and we want to increase customer numbers as cheaply as possible .
2 I got virtually equal marks across arts and sciences for O levels , so making a choice at A level was difficult , but I felt a bit swayed by the fact that people said it 's best to do science subjects as far as jobs and university places go ; it 's difficult to get on to arts courses , but it 's easier to get on to science courses … that 's really why I chose science , ultimately .
3 However , it 's best to keep water pipes as short as possible , which will probably mean having the loo and bath either against an outside wall , or near the main soil pipe if this is run inside .
4 NIGEL LAWSON yesterday made clear his determination to keep interest rates as high as necessary to defeat inflation and provide a sound basis for continued economic prosperity .
5 The idea has its parallel in the ever-higher smoke stacks and ever-longer sewage outfalls which were designed to export pollution problems as far as possible from their source .
6 The idea has its parallel in the ever-higher smoke stacks and ever-longer sewage outfalls which were designed to export pollution problems as far as possible from their source .
7 These were high status castes and many of them were found to have sex ratios as low as a thousand to one , sorry , a hundred to one .
8 Tropic Marin 's philosophy is to replicate sea water as closely as is technically possible .
9 ‘ In the present climate , I think people will be under quite a lot of pressure to begin building work as soon as possible when an answer has been given , ’ said principle officer for child services , Cliff James .
10 France , Europe 's biggest agricultural producer , has opposed efforts to cut farm subsidies as deeply as demanded by the US .
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