Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] that the " in BNC.

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1 Not until then did he cast a glance at the ground before his advancing feet to assure himself that the hoof-marks still led north .
2 Under that Rule , the party confirming that the resources are available will not be expected to produce the cash itself provided , in giving the confirmation , it acted responsibly and took all reasonable steps to assure itself that the cash was available .
3 First , we might use it to persuade ourselves that the errors Wittgenstein found in classical foundationalism do n't really infect all forms of foundationalism .
4 On several previous occasions she had done this , trying to persuade herself that the new Tom , Dick or Harry was quite as desirable and worthy as the missing Harry , Dick or Tom .
5 Nevertheless , the British were able to persuade themselves that the Single European Act was essentially about setting a timetable ( 1 January 1993 ) and establishing the detailed provisions for a ‘ single ’ trading market ; as such the ‘ European idea ’ remained acceptably circumscribed .
6 She juts her chin towards Riva , with a brief pause to assure herself that the sleeper 's still breathing .
7 When making an inspection of work in progress the surveyor should not hesitate to obtain the services of the contractor to satisfy himself that the work is done correctly , e.g. to check fixings by applying leverage or loading or to ascertain that screeds or pavings are correctly laid with a site level .
8 Where damage is caused to a visitor by a danger due to the faulty execution of any work of construction , maintenance or repair by an independent contractor employed by the occupier , the occupier is not to be treated without more as answerable for the danger if in all the circumstances he had acted reasonably in entrusting the work to an independent contractor and had taken such steps ( if any ) as he reasonably ought in order to satisfy himself that the contractor was competent and that the work had been properly done .
9 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
10 In the same vein of concentrated analysis ( and again , with rather an insufficiency of music examples ) Oliver Neighbour considers the authorship of certain anonymous keyboard pieces , most particularly a transcription of Byrd 's ‘ O quam gloriosum est regnum ’ Its procedures demonstrate the activity of a master hand ( not inconceivably Byrd 's own ) even if only to satisfy himself that the exercise was n't worth the candle .
11 ( c ) Independent contractors Section 2(4) ( b ) states : Where damage is caused to a visitor by a danger due to the faulty execution of any work of construction , maintenance or repair by an independent contractor employed by the occupier , the occupier is not to be treated without more as answerable for the danger if in all the circumstances he had acted reasonably in entrusting the work to an independent contractor and had taken such steps ( if any ) as he reasonably ought in order to satisfy himself that the contractor was competent and that the work had been properly done .
12 The candidates should be familiar with these policies and the panel will want to satisfy itself that the candidate appreciates the importance of NACAB policies , standards and training .
13 But if there is no more than that the creditor , in an attempt to satisfy itself that the surety properly understands the proposed transaction and that the transaction will not subsequently be impeachable , offers an explanation of the transaction and of the security document , I do not think that the creditor should be taken to have assumed a tortious duty of care .
14 These include requiring a Court before giving a custodial sentence to consider a report by the probation service and to give reasons for such a sentence , except for the most serious offences ; also to satisfy itself that the offence was serious enough to justify the use of custody .
15 A firm must require the customer to provide any margin which is payable both at the outset ( initial margin ) and subsequently ( variation margin ) and take reasonable care to satisfy itself that the customer is aware of the consequence of not paying it .
16 Impatience mingling with disappointment , she rang again , allowing her finger to dwell on the button for several seconds , determined to satisfy herself that the apartment was definitely unoccupied at the moment .
17 Above all , you need to satisfy yourself that the decision , however hard , was not taken arbitrarily .
18 Therefore the police generally require to see the certificate to satisfy themselves that the motor vehicle is correctly insured but in some cases of doubt the policy may have to be examined or enquiries made of the issuing firm .
19 Ministers may choose to delegate the carrying out of particular tasks to their subordinates , especially their permanent secretaries but , because they are answerable to Parliament , they will need to satisfy themselves that the delegated tasks are being performed satisfactorily .
20 It also requires auditors to satisfy themselves that the local authority concerned ‘ has made proper arrangements for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources ’ .
21 This system is designed to provide local authorities with opportunities to satisfy themselves that the planned disposal will be satisfactory , but with the delays to industrial operations kept to a reasonable minimum .
22 It took a little bit of deft footwork to satisfy themselves that the first firm would not object to Rank using ‘ Carry On ’ in the title .
23 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
24 The individual must be able to convince himself that the next step is up to him and , no matter where he is staying or going , he always has the choice of leaving or turning in the opposite direction if he chooses to do so .
25 It was bitterly resentful , her hatred burning high as she remembered the months running into years that it had taken for her to convince herself that the guilt she had felt after her own father 's death was a self-destructive trap and just one more wrong done to her by Luke Scott .
26 It took a moment to convince herself that the tall , dark , imposing figure leaving the long , opulent vehicle really was Luke .
27 It was less easy to convince herself that the thought of lying down on the bench with fitzAlan , with hardly a stitch of clothing between them , did n't scare the wits out of her .
28 She might be able to convince herself that the momentary flash of madness she 'd experienced , in thinking that she was falling in love with Luke Calder , was merely the result of stress , but it did n't change the fact that she was greatly attracted to him , and that was where the true danger lay .
29 The truth was that , while large sections of the media were insisting that it was all terribly different in Scotland , and while some politicians managed to convince themselves that the constitution was the issue above all others in the minds of Scotland 's electorate , most Scottish voters were declining to have their agenda set for them .
30 As you embark on the F-Plan you might have to work quite energetically to convince yourself that the supposed virtues of the old low-carbohydrate method of dieting have been disproved by recent research .
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