Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( To both Leonard 's and his mother 's regret , sadly ; another of those alienating-reconciling events which seem to have been characteristic of this family . )
2 Of recent British policy , Dulles privately remarked on 6 May 1957 : " It seems to us to have been characteristic of a nation which , realizing that it was weak , felt it had to act as though it was strong " .
3 It suddenly seemed to him to have been lull of long damp nights sleeping under the stars , desperate fights with trolls , city guards , countless bandits and evil priests and , on at least three occasions , actual demigods — and for what ?
4 Scott J concluded that it was in the public interest for there to have been disclosure to those two bodies .
5 Alured 's civil war activities were concentrated in two committees : he seems to have been chairman of the committee of the East Riding , and he was an equally active member of the committee of the Northern Association ( sometimes called ‘ the committee at York ’ , though wholly distinct from the committee of Yorkshire , also at York ) .
6 There is no evidence that the East Saxons under Swaefberht , who seems to have succeeded Offa ( see above p. 124 ) and who died in 738 , and then under Selered ( see Appendix , Fig. 2 ) , who died in 746 ( ASC A , s.a. 746 ) , were anything other than subject to the Mercians at this time and Aethelbald appears to have been master of the land of the Middle Saxons ( CS 182 : S 100 ) .
7 As I understand matters , if planning consent was issued for Phase 1 , Service Inns , it ought to have been subject to at least one , if not two , Section 50 Agreements , as well as subject to the site investigation you referred to .
8 Now I do n't know if you remember English Whites but Danny Baker once had a caller to 606 who claimed to have been setup for a blind date a few years ago , and when he met the girl in question , one of his mates says ‘ Bloody hell she does n't half look like that player ( Kenny ) who 's in the Blues ’ ( Brum City where he built his stout reputation ) .
9 A presumed member of Hizbollah , Ali Mohamed Hariri , is in prison in Switzerland for the murder of a Frenchman on board an Air Afrique airliner during a hijack attempt which ended in Geneva in July 1987 — and Hariri 's release is said here to have been part of the price which the Swiss government secretly agreed to pay for the release of Peter Winkler , the Red Cross official who was freed in Sidon 10 months ago .
10 The charcoal sketch , measuring 25.7×19.3 cm , is thought to have been part of a Leonardo sketchbook owned by George IV .
11 If this does occur , then the Act will be seen to have been part of a ‘ softening-up ’ exercise , creating the conditions within which abolition of the right is capable of being presented as an inevitable rationalization , without actually tackling it directly .
12 Indeed , all three of them would probably have willingly paid to have been part of the occasion which is now firmly entrenched in French sporting history .
13 Yet in one sense even the United States might be said to have been part of an economic system controlled by Europe down to 1914 in that she remained a capital-importing nation , and that capital came from Europe .
14 ‘ It must be strange , ’ she said slowly , ‘ to have been part of the Revolution and then to find yourself on the opposite side from people you fought beside . ’
15 Even those of us too young to have been part of it are still under the spell of the culture of activism formed around it .
16 Husameddin 's argument , moreover , ignores the facts that Shams al-Din is known to have been part of Molla Fenari 's name but not , so far as can be discovered , of that of his son and that the son was regularly referred to as Mehmed Sah whereas it is not known that Molla Fenari ever was .
17 Among the Library 's most spectacular purchases during the year was a copy of Confessione della fede Christiana di M. Theodoro Beza , Vezelio ( [ Geneva ] , 1560 ) , reliably considered by scholars to have been part of the private library of Mary Queen of Scots .
18 I 'm just delighted to have been part of it all .
19 The three were alleged to have been part of a 30-strong gang which rampaged through the park on April 19 , 1989 , making a series of unprovoked attacks which culminated in the gang-rape of the jogger who was left unconscious with severe head injuries .
20 The order , written under the direction of White House counsel Boyden Gray , was to have been part of a " signing statement " attached to the bill .
21 This gave the Serbs control of most of a corridor across northern Bosnia linking Serbia proper with the Republic of Serbian Krajina ( RSK — the Serb areas in Croatia ) and was rumoured to have been part of a deal with Croatia in exchange for the army 's withdrawal from Prevlaka [ see above ] .
22 It has given me great pleasure and pride to have been part of that team . ’
23 The payment made to Olaf Tryggvason in 994 , for example , seems to have been part of a deal in which Olaf agreed to be confirmed ( with Æthelred standing sponsor ) , and promised that he would never return to England .
24 ‘ I 'm looking forward to the final official opening of the Tunnel , and I 'm delighted to have been part of the support structure that has made it possible .
25 A certain Osmund appears to have been king of the South Saxons until at least c .
26 To have been ice for so long , then to melt at the sight of my brother 's fiancée !
27 With Sir Thomas Cooke , his successor as governor , Herne appears to have been party to some extremely shady deals to break up the opposition group in 1693–4 , and to have engaged in bribery to help secure a new charter for the company in 1694 ; all this brought a parliamentary storm on his head in the spring of 1696 .
28 Those who have actual memories of the year are unlikely to have been party to the Party that was supposed to be the mythical Swinging Sixties — one of the authors was still unafflicted by puberty while the other was into his third year in a sheet-metal factory , so we certainly were n't invited .
29 ‘ What a pleasure it has been , and an honour to have been MP for Winchester for 13 years , ’ he said , thanking those who had supported him in the past year .
30 He was the son of and seems to have been co-ruler with King Cenred ( see Appendix , Fig. 3 ) , whose advice he acknowledges in his laws which date to the period before 693/4 ( when Eorcenwald , bishop of London , whose help he also acknowledges , died ) .
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