Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh adv] [pers pn] will " in BNC.

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1 And it is difficult to know how they will be heard .
2 Customers are entitled to know how they will benefit .
3 If you are going to fly your glider efficiently while turning steeply in thermals with other gliders , you need to know how it will behave at the stall .
4 They also want to know when they will be able to participate in the share option scheme .
5 I 'd like to know when it will be empty ! ’
6 A princely warrant to pass where I will could be a godsend to such a man as I am . ’
7 As the nursing profession waits to hear how it will do in the next pay round , there are fears that job evaluation could be used to take significant numbers of nurses out of current pay and grading structures , creating new pay set-ups unique to each different trust or unit .
8 It must , moreover , try to predict how they will move in the future .
9 Because such structures are ‘ conventional , and hence culturally variable ’ ( van Dijk and Kintsch 1983:16 ) the language learner , in order to be able to operate effectively as a participant in discourse , needs to be able both to identify what type of discourse he or she is involved in , and to predict how it will typically be structured .
10 These are solved to predict how it will behave under a set of prescribed conditions .
11 Languages which use stress to mark lexical or grammatical differences are said to have free stress , i.e. it is not possible to predict where it will come , so there are no rules to follow .
12 The offeror will need to consider how it will find the cash .
13 When the hon. Gentleman sees the full details for the range of different places involved , he will realise that there are some complicated plans for north of Inverness — for example , at Dingwall , Kirkwall , Stornoway , Thurso and Wick — and it is not yet possible to determine how they will work out .
14 ‘ We 'll have to consider where it will all lead to , ’ he said .
15 ‘ It 's too early yet to decide how we will act .
16 That 's on page twenty-seven , six one , twenty four flag day permits to be approved , and we allow the officer to decide how they will best be distributed across the city .
17 anticipate areas of future concern to enable the Company to decide how it will comply with any regulations well in advance .
18 A new model may start with a ’ concept ’ design to decide how it will look .
19 In fact you probably need to view several times to check possibilities and to decide how you will treat the material .
20 And I 'm meeting with appropriate people in B R on Monday to decide when they will let me record .
21 Once you 've found a video sequence you could use to present specific language items , you then have to decide when you will introduce it in your teaching of a unit .
22 The Dutch plan envisages people living closer to their workplace and without that happening it is hard to see how they will be persuaded to leave their cars at home .
23 Given that many rural schools do not even have properly equipped science laboratories , it is hard to see how they will be able to afford equipment for carpentry , metalwork and building .
24 Both are as entitled as any other separating couple to find happiness , though it is hard to see how they will find it with a new partner while remaining married to each other .
25 It 's difficult to see how they will ever better it .
26 This rarely happens at present and it is difficult to see how it will become more common without active encouragement by company chairmen .
27 But it is easy to see how it will make you think twice before washing your car twice a week , or leaving your sprinkler on all night !
28 Choose one of the graphics options and use the ‘ Preview ’ to see how it will appear on screen .
29 Decide how controversial some subjects might be and then try to plan how you will deal with these difficult areas .
30 Whether that money is weekly pocket money , monthly wages , or the retailer 's annual income , it is essential to plan how it will be spent — otherwise the result could be disaster !
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