Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 An amazing 98 of them stated they had lost inches from areas they had considered difficult to slim or had found impossible to reduce previously .
2 I had asked the plumber to come and had reminded him several times and no doubt he would come in the end .
3 He had seen her passionate anger and had wanted to kiss her senseless , had heard her lie to him and had wanted to shake the truth out of her , had almost caused her to swoon and had wanted to hold her close and tell her he would n't allow anything to hurt her again — all in the space of about half a minute .
4 Charles had n't planned beyond finding out what he wanted to know and had to think quickly .
5 John had called the people to repent and had baptised those who had responded .
6 That the rest had given rise to as much pain did not matter ; she herself had known by then what to expect and had steeled herself to bear it .
7 It had taken us an hour to walk but had taken the men who drove it thirteen years of drilling and blasting through 748 fathoms of solid rock to build it .
8 Following his talks with Chinese Premier Li Peng and other officials , characterized by the Chinese side as " beneficial " , Wilson said that the Chinese government had agreed to allow the scheme to proceed but had expressed reservations about the cost .
9 There was a momentary hesitation before he explained that he 'd only just got to the room , he 'd felt too disturbed by the shamanistic experience to sleep and had sat in the hospitality suite reading .
10 ‘ After a month she said she could n't cope with it — she had so much to do and had to make all the decisions . ’
11 So I read it and I gave a similar look back and I think I probably said something like that did n't happen or something along those lines , that 's hard to believe that had happened and passed it back to him and then that was it , we did not discuss it at the time …
12 This was particularly important when few persons were able to read and had to depend on what they were told and above all on what they could see .
13 Suddenly , the boar had been faced with a cliff too steep to climb and had turned on its heel .
14 When you stayed away from me , I would try in vain to will you back beside me : then , long after the dinner I waited for you to share but had to eat alone , I would wander out into the stony streets , hoping to bump into you , to glimpse you sitting in a bar or on a park bench :
15 He toyed with the time of Munich , the decisions and failures to decide that had made the world he lived in .
16 They both sent their love to you , ’ he added , remembering the day when he thought that Julia was going to die and had gone to them in despair .
17 My left arm , on which my head was pillowed , had long since ceased to prick and had gone dead , but even so the singing of the men in the valley below reached me all too soon .
18 Coalition had become a political habit that would be quite difficult to break and had sapped the party 's confidence in itself .
19 If we had to think and had to think together we would surely find ways forward .
20 At first the Russians had been driven back in disorder , but in the months of July and August they had begun to recover and had driven the Poles back on their tracks until finally the Red Army was at the gates of Warsaw itself .
21 Reagan had no record to defend and had spent years perfecting the skills required to project an effective personal image .
22 Do n't expect Pleat to get Luton out of trouble because of his perfectionist approach , but he wo n't be fired because the board and supporters know he 's never had money to spend and had to sell his stars .
23 However , the country 's ruling military junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , had subsequently refused to allow the Assembly to convene and had ordered a crackdown on the NLD .
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