Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] he [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 We did not separate her from her children , but the Council can not allow our infant King to wander where he will . ’
2 Even now , however , he is prepared to accept that he may not be able to come back in a new guise after three years .
3 It is obvious that a horse will run from a stick , spurs or fear of the rider , but it is hard to accept that he will try to pull on the bit if that very action increases the pain .
4 She knew that he had been Eddie 's best friend — that was why she 'd always found it so hard to accept that he could have deliberately driven her brother off the track .
5 The foregoing chapters bring the story to that crucial time in the long history of earthly life when emerging man would find himself unwilling to accept that he must for ever be on his guard against the uncontrolled violence that ruled the evolutionary scene .
6 He had never been in a wood in his life ; but he was sharp enough to know that he might hide in a bush , or swarm up a tree … ‘ . )
7 Nigel had got her measure enough by now to know that he would never be allowed to insist on anything , so he approached the subject carefully .
8 I knew him well enough by now to know that he would never presume to tell me what to do .
9 At least it was comforting to know that he would n't consider her compliance ‘ cheap ’ or despise her for the speed with which he had been able to seduce her .
10 And although she was n't stupid enough to know that he would n't catch up with her eventually , when his role as host was over , if not before , she had high hopes that she could escape before that eventuality .
11 I think he just wanted to know that he could .
12 It pleased me immeasurably to know that he could sense the difference now , the promise of fulfilment , which would be the sweeter , it seemed to me , for having been so long deferred .
13 When I last looked , Stephen Edell was the Building Society Ombudsman and it may not cheer the Woolwich to know that he will be getting a copy of this .
14 He needs to know that he will be listened to and taken seriously .
15 ‘ I 've seen him play often enough to know that he will do a good job for us . ’
16 It may well then be valuable for the beneficiary of a trust to know that he can obtain the property intended for him if he sues and prevails in cognitio against the trustee .
17 The child needs to know that he can win the heart of his parents , but also that such feelings can be handled safely .
18 In the above example the gross amount of the gift was £1,000 , so the donor would have to certify that he would be paying tax of at least £250 .
19 In 303 a Christian named Copres from the Nile valley , engaged in a lawsuit over property , went to Alexandria to present his case and was disconcerted to discover that he would be required to participate in some act of idolatry , such as a sacrifice or an oath by the emperor 's genius , as a condition of litigation .
20 We were both shocked to discover that he could neither ride nor walk , and was lying on the grass , waiting for us .
21 She tried to stand up , only to find that he would not allow her to do so , and Matey was saying , sharply to her , ‘ Sit child , sit . ’
22 She had been dismayed to find that he must have made enquiries in Helmsley and tracked her down , but she 'd become a much more confident and secure woman since the early days of her marriage .
23 Relieved to find that he must be joking after all , she gave her enchanting little grin .
24 The assembled friends were told by Brendan Bracken in tones of wonderment that Churchill — that great Francophile — had rung to bellow that he would watch them die without a qualm if they ‘ ratted on Poland as they had ratted on Czechoslovakia , ’ while Bob Boothby told them repeatedly how he had exhorted Winston to ‘ break Chamberlain and take his place ’ .
25 Dustin 's macho response seemed to indicate that he would not want his wife to work .
26 He thought that the Robemaker was waiting for him to do so ; perhaps somehow to indicate that he would ask for mercy , but he had done nothing .
27 The young houseman appeared to be consulting a list , and Richard , anxious to help a beginner , tried to indicate that he would bleed from the ears if it was the right thing to do .
28 Paul wriggled , and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he would n't actually mind wasting anything , just so long as he got to hit the bell with his plank of wood .
29 For example , he should wait for the buyer to indicate that he can sit down or , at least , ask the buyer if he may sit down .
30 He raised his voice even though the old man continued to indicate that he could not hear him .
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