Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Also perhaps you could inform me if it is possible to run the 14k MSDOS in the upper memory , or does it have to remain where it is .
2 I had to find where it was .
3 Ages seemed to pass although it was only moments , until a pollen-laden grass flower tickled his nose and he sneezed himself back to life again .
4 I know that if I suddenly start feeling pains anywhere in my body , I do n't have to worry that it is the side effects of drugs , as , regrettably , some athletes do .
5 They are also happy to accept that it is only because we have these mental states that we behave as we do .
6 ‘ It is unreasonable for us to accept that it is commonplace for people like our Cabinet Ministers to have affairs , and yet to consider that someone like the Prince of Wales is unfit for the job . ’
7 I think you 've got to you 've got to accept that it is a legally binding contract , all of the policies , and I think you have to realise that in any arrangement that you make erm where there is a degree of legality , there has to be parameters put down .
8 But I 've come to accept that it 's far more sensitive and vulnerable than my other possessions and it can not be hauled back to the manufacturers at the first sign of malfunction .
9 Nicholson appeared to accept that it was possible , but no special relationship was formed between them .
10 ‘ Five minutes — as long as it took to accept that it was a fact of life and then find my lawyer 's phone number . ' ’
11 The combination of this group of activists with either the residents or the workers was likely to raise questions on the continued operation of the factory , rather than demands for it to be operated safely , as the activists refused to accept that it was possible to work safely with asbestos or other toxic substances , following their similar rebuttal of threshold limits for exposure to radiation in the anti-nuclear movement .
12 On each of her periods at Hillmarden he had still clung to the faint hope that she was improving , only to find at the end of a week or a fortnight she had made no progress at all and that when Harry — good baby that he was — occasionally cried , this was enough to make Celia so distraught that Brian was forced to accept that it was better for all concerned if mother and baby remained parted .
13 Simultaneously , Boardrooms across the USA began to accept that it was not always possible or desirable to rely entirely upon home-grown talent , and that managers and executives could be interchangeable between apparently quite different types of business .
14 He had hinted , as Maureen had done , that Pascoe was guilty of fraud but did not implicate him in the murder , and invited Wickham to accept that it was a political killing .
15 The whole jape took on a rather serious complexion when the police refused to accept that it was all a joke .
16 Erm Mr Donson seemed to accept that it was er right for local planning authorities through their district wide open plans to give effect to policies in P P G seven for protecting the countryside for its own sake and he er mentioned landscape policies and then development minutes amongst other things .
17 The child needs to know that it is not his fault that everyone is so upset and that someone has died and he is not being punished .
18 It has a soft , waxy nature and chemically it is important to know that it is insoluble in water .
19 ‘ And now to know that it is haunted makes me a little apprehensive . ’
20 Spots , and in some cases acne , can result from testosterone excess and it may help them to know that it is a passing affliction .
21 You ca n't see it but you need to know that it is there .
22 It was a relief to Jean to know that it is n't just the children after all .
23 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
24 If you happen to know that it is the Prime Minister personally who advises the Queen to dissolve Parliament , you will realise that this gives him the whip hand over other members of the Cabinet — who fear the cataclysm of an untimely election as much as back-benchers do .
25 They need to know that it is possible to find alternative accommodation for the individual or themselves .
26 ‘ Old enough , I think , to know that it is not . ’
27 It might be helpful to know that it is planned that low flying by jets will decline by about 30 per cent .
28 I have been in the House long enough to know that it is not appropriate for me to comment on evidence given to a Select Committee until that Committee has reported .
29 ‘ One does not have to visit that section of America to know that it is famous for women with your look . ’
30 Scandalmongers will be disappointed to know that it is not the prostitutes which I have in mind here , rather the fact that this little thing called Amendment 27 to the Maastricht bill is also receiving such a chorus of anticipation .
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