Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the interests of my coal mining constituents would best be served by long-term contracts with the generators , which the British coal industry is well placed to secure and which the generators should welcome , and not by market rigging by Labour politicians posing as experts ?
2 Medical evidence would be relevant only to establish whether what the doctor did was deemed acceptable medical practice to make the dying patient comfortable .
3 Sir John had identified a great number of passages which he regarded as objectionable from the government viewpoint , but I suspect he recognised early on that there was nothing of a very secret nature to conceal and what the government sought to suppress were the comments made by Crossman and others about senior civil servants .
4 In effect Jones 's book revealed an unwelcome truth which no one really wanted to hear and which the service was able easily to diffuse and ignore .
5 Because there is this impasse between what the officers wanted to do and what the residents find acceptable the only way I can get this matter resolved is for the council to refer the possible closure to the committee so that the committee can consider all the facts er in the light of the advice of the officers erm and I therefore beg to move this .
6 It is that alarming situation which egg producers wish to address and which the battling nuns have brought into public focus .
7 I think he set out in plain language the priorities which Britain needs to address and which the present government is failing us on .
8 The government is now washing its hands of the industry as it hands it over to a rigged market which will leave very few pits in Britain and the destruction of an asset which the British people asked the government to save and which the government said they were going to save .
9 Most ethical intuitionists came to think that what the doctrine of the naturalistic fallacy established was not so much that good is indefinable as that ethical expressions are either indefinable or only satisfactorily definable in terms which involve some other distinctively ethical expression .
10 The failure of the so-called low-cost housing scheme to meet the needs of the poor has led one Indian expert to say that what the poor need is not low-cost housing but no-cost housing .
11 Trade , technical and professional magazines ; There are more magazines in this group than in the consumer group and it is safe to say that whatever the trade , profession or industry there will be a publication to deal with it .
12 Suffice it to say that whatever the Court of Appeal 's finding there are likely to be significant procedural and resource implications as far as the administration of the complaints system is concerned and these will have to be explored during the coming year .
13 This went to the heart of a question which the WEA is never able to ignore and which the Eastern District had particular cause to ponder in this period : how should the full-time professional tutor-organiser fit into a voluntary movement ?
14 Explain what is to happen and what the patient needs to do .
15 So I will make a personal attack on you the day after to-morrow , when the House will be full , and I will tell you beforehand what I 'm going to say and what the right come-back is for you to score off me .
16 Unless its practices are to arise totally spontaneously out of the ‘ innate ’ qualities of the new media , it is hard to see how this is to occur or what the music will be like .
17 The successes of molecular biology are sufficiently striking to show that whatever the true relation of biology may be to physics , it is certainly a subtle one that can not be encapsulated in a single word .
18 Look at some of the ornate stucco work on those elegant nineteenth century town houses ; it turns out they are hammers and sickles , ordered by Stalin to show that whatever the capitalists could do , communists could do too .
19 But by the same token , theories like that proposed by Pearce and Hall must come to terms with the evidence that has been taken to show that what the stimulus is predicted by can also play a role .
20 There will be serious dangers , however , if the information that is set out in performance tables is clouded by footnotes and qualifications , which sometimes are advocated because they are designed to prove that whatever the differences between examination performances there is no such thing as a good school or a bad school .
21 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
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