Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I agree therefore with all your Lordships that the practice of exacting an undertaking in damages from the Crown as a condition of the grant of an interlocutory injunction in this type of law enforcement action ought not to be applied as a matter of course , as it should be in actions between subject and subject , in relator actions , and in actions by the Crown to enforce or to protect its proprietary or contractual rights .
2 At the end of the book , though , Zuckerman confronts Roth with the opinion that the latter has made a mistake in trying to tame or to shed his imagination in the foregoing text , that fiction is superior to fact , and that the factuality of The Facts is specious .
3 He therefore refused to attend or to allow his wife to .
4 This meeting is called by a manager to inform his subordinates or to instruct or to control them .
5 For example , for much of the day we need to be able to repress or split off some feelings to enable us to concentrate or to use our intellects .
6 They did not want me to stop work to write or to see them .
7 When it is used figuratively , it can mean to soar or to lift oneself up , and so to be arrogant in spirit .
8 It is the manager 's responsibility to decide what and how to communicate and to adapt his approach in the light of experience .
9 During a seance , humans request their spirit guides to come and to help them .
10 They help to mark out the field within which the theologian has to work and to discover what his own role and contribution should be .
11 Now that my machine seems to be working tolerably well again , here is some news , along with renewed thanks for the welcome and lovely meals whilst I was with you — and I was of course interested and glad to meet and to know they would come and try and help with anything if you ring them .
12 We need to inform and to educate our members and as Duncan said we need to get the resources down to local level .
13 ‘ A ’ Flight of 44 is getting ready to disband and to retire its fleet of Douglas C-54s and DC-4s .
14 He recognizes that it might be regarded in a pejorative sense as indicating a readiness to compromise and to accept something inferior , but he uses the term , nevertheless , for the want of a better word and tries to give it a different connotation .
15 Firstly , it enables you to know and to analyse what others are saying .
16 There was a trinity within everyone , consisting of the three powers of the soul which corresponded to the three divine Persons : memory , understanding and will ; it enabled us to be , to know and to love what we are in the same way as God knows and loves himself .
17 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
18 In very general terms , Marxist theorists look for the location of power in the wider social and economic structure of society There is continuing debate within Marxism over the exact role that the state ( or political level ) fulfils and whether it has any significant independence from the requirements of the owners of the means of production and the preservation of the system of capital accumulation In the long term , however , Marxists argue that the scope for human beings to choose freely and to shape their society as they wish is severely circumscribed by the private ownership of the means of production , the necessity of the state to respond to the crises and problems generated by capitalism as an economic system and the inequality of competition between different ideologies Elite theories do not go so far in limiting the scope for individuals to choose or to shape their societies They argue that individuals can choose , subjectively , to join , to maintain or to challenge the structure of power which exists .
19 Are we truly prepared to offer no model of co-operating nations sinking their differences to achieve greater security , or are we prepared to live with a Europe that is increasingly fragmented , where nations ' first demand on sovereignty is to equip themselves with weapons to tackle or to defend themselves from new nations on their own borders that have the same heightened state of frenzy and determination to do the same ?
20 She did not try to answer or to turn it aside .
21 Despite the problems and doubts , sandwich courses remained a central feature of the polytechnics — even as some institutions began to press for full-time courses to replace or to accompany them .
22 The most effective lessons are those where the child is given the opportunity , either as an individual or as a member of a small group , to explore and to create something original .
23 He loves to bully and to unleash his hounds on what he sees as the snooty , wishy-washy liberal establishment .
24 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
25 Power gives us the ability to control , to choose and to assert our independence .
26 If it 's helpful to you , I 'm perfectly ready to listen and to do everything I can to help ’ . ’
27 Although there are many male probation officers , Frances believes that women are well suited to probation work as they ‘ tend to have a degree of sensitivity and an ability to listen and to understand what pain means .
28 Parents need to listen as well as to talk and to let it be seen that they recognize the teenager 's viewpoint , even when they take an opposite view .
29 I 'd like to find some examples of that and to give the kids chances to talk and to argue their ideas where there is n't some mammoth answer stacked up on the shelves of a library somewhere .
30 The point that I was seeking to make a moment ago — I reiterate it now — is that I think that it is to the advantage of everyone in Northern Ireland for the politicians of Northern Ireland , of all shades of opinion , to come together , to talk and to express their mutual wish for peace in Northern Ireland .
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