Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He was so often in Lucca 's , tasting a slice of salami , cutting off a sliver of cheese to try or speculatively pinching the melons .
2 She seemed to know that neither crying nor sulking ever got anyone anywhere .
3 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
4 Once drawn , of course , the line can be modified at will by simply selecting the anchor point you wish to modify and either dragging it or adjusting the handles to alter the curvature of the lines .
5 That Friday , on his way to work and suddenly feeling completely hopeless , Alistair surrendered his parcel to the sub post office in Calchalk Street off the Euston Road .
6 In March he had been sought by police for crashing his '66 Corvette Sting-Ray into a car he was trying to pass and then driving away .
7 She was wearing huge aviator glasses , designed to hide but only drawing attention to the palely perfect face , the unlipsticked mouth , the silvery blonde hair fine as maize silk , which was drawn back into the nape of her neck .
8 Chairman , I think I should say in proposing the proposed Policy E two it should be stressed the County Council 's not seeking to introduce a policy of restraint and restriction on the development which attempts to mirror that already applying within any of the nationally designated areas .
9 The Tannoy announces the opening of the buffet , and up we get , not stopping for an instant to reflect that even standing in line for seven hours outside Moscow 's GUM department store in pursuit of half a mouldy cabbage would be a more profitable venture than a futile pilgrimage to a British Rail catering outlet .
10 We need to remember that however dazzling the technology may become , someone must be there to pay the bill .
11 " with the view to promoting the co-operation of the two schools and the possibility of avoiding the teaching subjects in the two schools having a tendency to overlap and so bringing the two schools more fully in accord with the requirements of the town . "
12 Apart from that , life had taught her to pry because sometimes doing so turned up the most surprising things .
13 Apart from getting ready to go and then coming home again you see and your meals and that sort of thing .
14 For those who like a time check once in a while , it was now 9.30 hours to go and still counting down .
15 As things have changed round here , things are changing present time er which has so much , however , and there are other areas er just report will be reconsidered er and the right sort of er er area of cover er that we would wish to see and just cutting services , we 're talking about improving resources from an area which is clear to areas where there is no further issue , or etc. , etc. , there is not adequate cover .
16 ( 'You have to attain a high degree of musical stupidity in order to find watching the beat , or the conductor 's inane face for that matter , easier for the purpose of knowing how or when to play than simply listening to the music , ’ he argued . )
17 A vomitoxin can be absorbed through the skin , causing a soldier to remove his mask to vomit and thus exposing him to other toxic agents , through his respiratory system .
18 Economies of scale mean that size does still matter : to succeed , companies have to grow while constantly guarding against building the sclerotic bureaucracy that bolsters a sense of infallibility that was IBM 's ultimate downfall .
19 The attacker went up to the woman as she rode around an area of the south London Common known as the arena , blocking her path when she tried to leave and twice attempting to pull her from her horse .
20 Habitually appears by day , perching , often conspicuously in inclined hawk-like attitude , flying low with final upward sweep to perch and sometimes hovering .
21 The fingers of his other hand beat a sensuous tattoo on her rounded bottom , stopping to tap and then sweeping away the notes with a furious stroke .
22 It comes ‘ from the notion that the beast , not caring to run and not needing to , can be shooed over the finish line , and win ’ .
23 Apparently David Sole uses his free arm to pull his opponent 's legs from under him , thereby causing the scrum to collapse and invariably gaining a penalty .
24 Now Mill seems to be very unsure what to do about this because he does n't want to say that the poor should be disenfranchised , because after all everyone is entitled to their say in government , but he does seem to be worried that if the poor are given an equal say or the uned uneducated poor are given an equal say , then they will make a very bad decision , a decision which is against their own interests and this is one reason why he favours plural voting because he recognizes that the numerical majority might make a erm wrong decision , so we should make sure that the numerical majority do n't have sway in a democratic process by giving another client more weight in it so he seems to between wanting to disenfranchise them altogether which he seems to consider and just emasculating their vote by giving other people more votes .
25 Jack enjoyed this work , but with so many less experienced pilots going to fight and not returning he wanted to do more than circuits and bumps !
26 The , the problem is if it it 's alright to out-price and then reducing your service , but that soon switches the client off .
27 are much cheaper to fly but simply having more of them will push up costs so it 'll need about twice as many passengers .
28 This can result in buyers waiting for months for the goods to arrive or not getting them at all and being fobbed off with a different machine .
29 Consequently , agencies of control always operate by threatening to withdraw or actually withdrawing the satisfaction of these needs , in an attempt to redress the balance .
30 Again , apart from alerting you to the likely development of a problem here , such inspections will help to ensure that even with a painful condition , the dog will have sufficient confidence to allow you to treat it without attempting to snap or simply pulling its head away repeatedly .
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