Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 and I looked at people , we were all saying why we waiting here , why we waiting and we saw people rushing off so we thought we 've got to rush off after them and we were all put on the train and sent to Charing Cross which was n't where most of us wanted to go or anything like we wanted to go
2 I was trying to sit where I normally sit .
3 All I mean is you have to accept that they really have heard it all before — the jokes about taking samples , wearing black stockings , so forth , so fifth .
4 Yet even when they see Japanese methods being successfully introduced to this country , British managers are still reluctant to accept that they too could try co-operation with the workforce in place of confrontation .
5 These economists were ready to accept that there probably did exist a particular unemployment rate at which inflation was neither rising nor falling but they were unwilling to associate this rate with a state of overall full employment .
6 It was a dismal yet necessary task , and whilst one can imagine a young woman 's producing such items for herself and her future husband , it is more difficult for us to accept that she probably also fashioned one or two smaller versions at the same time , for infant mortality was high .
7 ‘ We 're prepared to accept that you just got caught up in a drug bust .
8 The voiders lingered by the body , however , bright enough to know that they still had some duty to perform with it .
9 However , in the social context of heroin use in a given community , it is just as important to understand how events are perceived by the participants as to know that they actually happened .
10 And , he was an old enough hand to know that nobody else in the room wanted to know the answer .
11 it made eating and doing a little more exciting to know that someone else had just ceased doing these basic human things for ever .
12 This man was not to know that it very nearly was , by Auguste 's reckoning .
13 He would have liked to know that you still came to see me .
14 He wanted above all to know that he still lay safe and quiet in his nameless grave ; he was heavy and burning at heart with his longing to ask , but he would not .
15 Readers from last month will be glad to know that I finally tracked down the elusive Tequila based Marguerita in a Tex-Mex cafe in Covent Garden .
16 The burden of proof is shifted on to the defendant and although the prosecution does not need to prove that the accused intended that the impression be false and misleading , the defendant may need to establish that he reasonably believed that it would not be so .
17 The block surface is ignored as the cylinder is initially checked to establish that it successfully passes through the negative surface defining the interior boundary around the hole .
18 There really is too much mystique attached to carp fishing , most it promoted by anglers who would like you to think that carp are much more difficult to catch than they actually are .
19 Mrs Whitehouse said that she was writing to the heads of the BBC , the independent TV companies , and the British Board of Film Classification to demand that they personally institute cuts in screen violence .
20 The patrol pounced and grabbed the surprised Germans , only to discover that they also had no water with them .
21 It is therefore interesting to discover that something as basic as fashion in furniture has been altered by a single cold winter .
22 CHATTING to former England all-rounder Trevor Bailey during the Old Trafford Test , I was intrigued to discover that he once played football against Manchester United in front of 57,000 spectators .
23 This involves the obvious and is a great incentive for your debtor to discover that he really can pay you after all .
24 All the same it was a relief to discover that he really was n't in .
25 Observing her as a well-balanced and apparently fulfilled woman , it surprised me to discover that she still lived with the unexorcised ghosts of a disrupted childhood .
26 Oddly enough , the knowledge that Newley had made Arabella pregnant was harder to bear than anything else .
27 In my experience , children find it extremely frustrating to be fired with enthusiasm for a topic but then to find that they simply do not have the skill to express themselves .
28 No doubt you are among the many who have tried every diet around only to find that they just did n't work .
29 It is not uncommon for a couple who have had the sadness of producing a heavily disabled or diseased baby to find that they later lose their desire for intercourse .
30 But interest is growing in alternative medical systems , both among patients and lay healers who have found them helpful , and among physicians and scientists , who are beginning to find that they really do have something to offer .
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