Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] child ['s] " in BNC.

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1 This is because I want to enjoy my children 's early years .
2 If you are not able to start caring for your child again and it is unlikely you will ever be able to meet your child 's needs for care , then the Department of Social Work may make an application to court to have your child freed for adoption .
3 You do n't expect to find your child 's room in flames . ’
4 But the very poor could not afford to lose their children 's wages or their care of younger children whilst mothers worked .
5 A few authorities , however , have long had a formal policy of allowing parents to see their children 's school records , and individual schools have sometimes had an open files policy and reported beneficial results to the motivation of pupils and relations with parents .
6 In these circumstances it is often easier for parents to support their children 's non-attendance by providing bogus explanations for it .
7 Yet it is very much less easy to defend the policy of expecting parents to buy their children 's books .
8 Unlike Meadow 's syndrome mothers , these women did not seem to relish their child 's hospital stay , nor were they willing to subject them to any investigation , however painful and unpleasant .
9 Toyology supply an extensive range of educational toys designed to help your child 's early learning development needs .
10 Do n't devise a long list of rules for the sake of having rules : make sure they serve a purpose — to enhance your child 's safety– wellbeing and steady ( not hurried ) progress towards maturity .
11 How to handle your child 's difficult behaviour Dorothy Einon
12 Parents were still placed under enormous pressure to choose specialist resources ‘ in the interests of the child ’ : integrated placements were often presented as chiefly fulfilling a selfish need of the parents to deny their child 's special needs .
13 ( A chair at the other end of the room or isolation in a safe , unstimulating ( unfrightening ) room elsewhere in the house are your other options ; It is preferable not to use your child 's bedroom , since you do n't wish to associate it with punishment . )
14 For my own part , I did not feel prepared to jeopardise my children 's education while in pursuit of that cause .
15 Our Association was formed nearly ten years ago and is aimed at helping parents to solve their children 's problems through a local based scheme where they may contact a teacher who 's qualified in their local area and that teacher will see the child and advise the parents whether individual tuition would help him .
16 Some Japanese parents have hired private detectives to ensure their child 's prospective spouse is not from the despised Korean community .
17 Support may help a bereaved parent to cope with his or her own feelings of loss , and thereby be better able to recognise their children 's needs and vulnerability .
18 Despite this interest in the way families raise their children , there nevertheless remains a fundamental belief that parents have an inviolable right to determine their children 's upbringing independently of outside interference .
19 The 40-year-old woman from Wakefield , West Yorkshire — who can not be named to protect her child 's identity — was charged with murdering John William Lockwood ( 65 ) of Halton Road , Wakefield .
20 It is very tempting for parents to attribute their child 's awful behaviour to some simple external cause when the real problem lies within the family .
21 There are several methods you may find helpful when you feel you are losing control or when you are at a loss to understand your child 's persistent aggression .
22 You can record your own voice for use within the program and change the spelling lists to match your child 's weekly list from school .
23 I think there 's been a lot , a lot of publicity for childline , now , but you are n't directly in , associated with childline Fjn Well , we 've had , no , we 've had to call ourselves children 's line because for er obvious reasons we ca n't call ourselves childline , but it is the same type of thing , er run in a similar way , not exactly the same of course er partly because we have n't got the money that childline er attracts .
24 Mutual aid groups and health visitors may also be able to support parents and encourage them to foster their child 's independence where it is apparent that a parent is showing extremes of protectiveness towards their child .
25 When the service is based on some project that the children have undertaken parents have an opportunity to appreciate their children 's work in context .
26 Absent fathers on low incomes will face higher maintenance bills and mothers who refuse to name their children 's fathers will face a deduction from their income support .
27 He was so deeply moved by this double loss that he was still able to describe his children 's last illnesses over thirty-five years later ( Aubrey De Vere , Essays , vol. ii ) .
28 On a more serious note , on page 80 we tell you how to save your child 's life , should an emergency — like electric shock or scalding — occur .
29 It was the women who had to face their children 's disappointment at their unmet wants and it was the women who constantly had to say no :
30 This kind of parent ( let us take the mother as our example ) attempts to direct her child 's activities in a rational manner determined by the issues involved in particular disciplinary situations .
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