Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 When world oil prices plunged in the 1980s , their leaders did little to help them adjust to the inevitable decline in living standards .
2 The faster the stream , the heavier the material chosen ; while those species occupying slow-flowing rivers or ditches construct a case of wood around themselves to help them float to fresh feeding grounds .
3 We provide opportunities and support to our people to help them perform to their fullest potential as the way to achieve our business goals .
4 This was intended to help them return to civilian life until they round employment and , to conform with the allowances they had received in the services , this sum included additions for dependants .
5 For this reason we spend a lot of time with relatives trying to help them come to terms with the whole admission process .
6 In order to help them come to terms with the loss , the grief stricken couple and their close relatives were encouraged to go and see their dead baby and pay their last respects .
7 Parents whose babies have died or were stillborn have produced a special memorial to help them come to terms with their loss .
8 FOUR North Wales schoolgirls are seeking sponsorship to help them get to the British ski championships .
9 However , I do feel that girls like Alison need long-term professional therapy , not just drugs and brief hospitalisation , to help them learn to ‘ feed ’ themselves — give themselves the things they need , such as food or privacy or rest and relaxation — without feeling guilty , and to recognise what these hungers and desires are .
10 This book will provide you not only with a healthy weight-loss programme that will suit your metabolism , but also the knowledge that is necessary to help you adhere to it .
11 To help you relate to your fellow students .
12 This section of the book is designed to help you come to terms with your deepest emotions and the people or events which may have caused them in the first place .
13 To help you get to grips with the different grades , types and finishes of these products , you 'd be well advised to contact FIDOR ( Fibre Building Board Organisation ) , the trade association for the fibre building board industry .
14 To help you get to grips with this new world of adventure here is a guide to the best of the New Year releases and when they will be available .
15 Unfortunately though , he became too domesticated and did n't have a fear of humans so he was put on a programme to help him adjust to the wild .
16 David , who has spent £20,000 on treatments , clothing and devices to help him appear to be a woman , first realised he was different when he was six .
17 If only , she thought , there was a way to help him come to terms with the rage that had coloured his whole life .
18 We know that our clock is normally adjusted by various external factors — and now we can use them to help us adjust to a change in life-style .
19 I asked the Assistant Commissioner to let me go to Helsinki and he refused .
20 The elderly woman opened it , but she must have thought I was a thief or a beggar , because she refused to let me speak to the young ladies .
21 You quite happy to let me bleed to death , then ? ’
22 I have been looking for a recording ( with some difficulty ) , since not many shops are prepared to let me listen to different interpretations ) , indeed I purchased the Royal Opera House , Covent Garden/Marc Ermler offering only to be disappointed , all because I wanted CD sound quality to replace a home-made cassette of a live Radio 3 broadcast ( should I be telling you this ? )
23 You 'll have to let me listen to them .
24 Now what I want you to do I want to just have a look at it now and I want you to play with it over the holiday on your own .
25 After the program has finished it displays the ‘ Press any key ’ message to let you return to the editing screen .
26 What to do you consider to be your achievements :
27 ‘ I have seen a few busy streets in my life , ’ Shae said quietly , sure she was being baited , but refusing to let herself rise to it .
28 Nevertheless , she says that whenever she could persuade her scribe to let her dictate to him , ‘ she was hale and whole suddenly in a manner ’ .
29 I had to plead with you to let her come to the party , ’ Mother said .
30 He would not rush the boy , he had to let him come to him .
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